mystery inc vs scrappy doo

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"Scrappy-Doo, it just had to be you, didn't it?" Stephanie asked. The robot was smoking and Scrappy climbed out of it.

"Correction, the new and improved Scrappy!" he said. His body then began to change. "Because I, Scrappy Dappy Doo, have absorbed enough energy to rule the world with my all powerful army!" His body continued to change and grow. Stephanie, Fred, and Velma began backing away. "And I've brought you here, puny pathetic Mystery Inc, to witness my moment of triumph! All I need to complete my transformation is...Scooby-Doo!" Scrappy stopped growing and his voice became like a thousand times deeper.

"Re? Ron't rou rean Relvin Doo?" Scooby said. He pointed at a man, presumably named Melvin Doo.

"Seize them!"

"Like, let's get out of here Scoob!" Shaggy said. He and Scooby began running around with guards beginning to chase after them. Scrappy reached for Stephanie. He picked her up and brought her close to his face. She began kicking her legs, as she couldn't move her arms because of the way Scrappy was holding her.

"Let me go!" she said.

"I don't think so! You're going to rule by my side!" Scrappy's now large tongue, licked a stripe upwards on her face. Stephanie's face and hair was now all slobbery and wet.

"Eww. Freddie, help me!" Before Fred and Velma had a chance to do anything, Scrappy pushed them back.

"Take that, pretty boy! She's mine now!"


Peter was the first one to crawl out of the tunnel. Once he was out, he grabbed Daphne's hands and helped her out. They had made it to the roof of the cave.

"Alright, there's the vent. We just need to find out how to open it" Peter said.

"Right there!" Daphne said. She pointed to a lever. Her and Peter went over to it. Peter tried to move the lever but it wouldn't budge. Daphne tried to move it with him but it was still stuck. Unbeknownst to the two of them, the wrestler had popped out of the corner.

"Senorita, senior" he said. His hand gripped Daphne's neck.

"Hey, you let her go!" Peter said. He was taken surprise when Daphne started to go all kung-fu on the wrestler. Daphne managed to kick him and do a twirl, landing perfectly on the ground. Peter stared at her, completely awestruck.

"Peter, you try to open the vent! I'll deal with Mr. Macho here!" she said. This caused Peter to knock back into reality.

"Uh...yeah...sure. You just continue to kick ass"


Scrappy was chasing Shaggy and Scooby, with Stephanie still in his hand.

"This is totally ungroovy, Scoob! He's got my cousin, like that's not cool!" Shaggy said. He and Scooby split off, going in opposite directions.

"Scooby-Doo! Where are you!?" Scrappy screamed. Stephanie flinched and squeezed her left eye.

"Okay, dude, like that's right in my ear!" she said. Scrappy ignored her and continued to chase after Scooby. Velma and Fred were watching the chaos, coming up with a plan to stop Scrappy and save Stephanie.

"We've got to tip over the protoplasm vat and save Steph" Velma said.

"How?" Fred asked.

"The pincer" Velma had referred to the claw, which was currently being controlled by N'Goo Tuana. Velma began to run towards it, only to be caught by a couple of guards. Fred grabbed one of the pulley cords and began swinging it around.

"Ya'll need to step back. The Fredsters got his groove on, and my girl needs saving" He continued swinging the cord around, hitting the guards with it and knocking them to the ground. Meanwhile, Scrappy managed to grab Scooby by the tail.

"You look so much bigger on t.v" Scrappy said. Scooby reached into Scrappy's nose and grabbed onto his snot. Scrappy began shaking his head, which eventually caused Scooby to let go. Scrappy sneezed on Scooby, covering him with snot. Stephanie cringed in disgust.

"Raggy!" Scooby said. Shaggy was about to grab onto the claw when he noticed Scooby near the pit. Scrappy was about to grab Scooby when he slipped into the pit and Shaggy jumped in after him. They tried hiding in there as Scrappy tried to look for them.

"Come out of there, you lazy beatnik!" Shaggy and Scooby kept backing up until they bumped into Mary Jane.

"Shaggy" she said. She grabbed him and Scooby by the neck, and held them up against a wall. She breathed in Shaggy's face. He smiled and had a dreamy look on his face.

"Like, wow" he said.

"Give me the dog!" Scrappy said. Mary Jane gave Scooby to Scrappy.

"Scrappy, down! Sit! Rad Scrappy" Scooby said. He flicked Scrappy on the nose.

"Yeah, you show him Scoob!" Stephanie said. All Scrappy did was scream in Scooby's face. He shoved Scooby in the direction of the claw.

"Let's finish this puppy! Now!" Scrappy said.


Daphne and the wrestler continued fighting as Peter struggled with the lever. It didn't help that his hands had become super sweaty and continued to slip off the lever. So far, Daphne was winning the fight. The wrestler grabbed her arm, but Daphne kicked him in the head. This caused the wrestler to flip her onto the ground. He climbed up onto the railing. He jumped off of it to do a dropdown on Daphne, but she rolled out of the way, making the wrestler land on his arm.

Daphne went over to the shed. The wrestler managed to get his foot stuck in it when he kicked one of the walls. Daphne opened the door, causing the wrestler's head to go through the glass window. Daphne tried punching him but the wrestler grabbed her fist. She tried fighting back but the wrestler lifted her up in the air.

"Daphne!" Peter said. He ran over to her and the wrestler to try and save her, but the wrestler kicked Peter away. The wrestler laughed.

"Captured again, senorita!" he said.

"Not this time!" Daphne said. She bit the wrestler's hand, which caused him to let her go. She then kicked him a couple times until he was trying to balance himself over the vent. Daphne grabbed the rope that was above the railing. "Now who's the damsel in distress?"


"Straight up" Using the rope, Daphne flipped over, kicking the wrestler through the vent. Daphne went over to Peter. She helped him up to his feet.

"Peter, you okay?" she asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine, but we do need to get the disco skull into place" he said.


When the wrestler fell into the vat, all the protoplasms fell out and started making their way to the appropriate bodies. Daphne and Peter had put the skull into place just as all the creatures were leaving bodies. There were sparks and explosions everywhere. Fred hit N'Goo Tuana with the cord to get him away from the controller of the claw.

"Mystery Inc! This ain't over!" Scrappy said. He began making his way towards Fred and Velma, with Stephanie and Scooby still in his hands. "I'll rock you! I'll sock you! And crush you like--" Scrappy stopped when he felt something tap his shoulder. It was the claw which was now being controlled by Shaggy.

"Like, dude" Shaggy said.


"You're a bad puppy!" Shaggy used the claw to rip the Daemon Ritus from off of Scrappy. All the souls that were in him, left and Scrappy began to shrink, dropping Stephanie and Scooby in the process. Scrappy was soon back to normal.

"Come on! I can still take ya!" Scrappy said to Scooby. "Put 'em up you mangy mutt! I'll--" Scooby flicked Scrappy towards the wall. "Is that all you got?"

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