solving the mystery

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They got to the beach where the large flame previously was. Daphne immediately recognized the man there as the voodoo man who sent her into the castle. 

"Wait, I know how to handle this guy. Hey you! What are you doing?" Daphne said. She walked towards him and the others followed behind her.

"I'm trying to do a voodoo ritual if you don't mind, thank you. It's important you get the right ingredients. See, the only way I can protect myself is by blessing this dead Arnuki beast" voodoo man said. He held up a tiny black skeleton. "I tell you something. I got a bad feeling they're about to perform their evil darkopalypse ritual"

"Darkopalypse ritual?" Velma questioned. She opened up the Daemon Ritus. "That's what the ancient text describes"

"Don't open that!" The voodoo man kneeled down on the ground, holding the small skeleton out in front of him. Velma ignored him and continued on.

"They use the protoplasm in the vat as energy source and the leader needs to absorb a purely good soul to complete the ritual" 

"Legend has it, once the Darkopalypse ritual has been performed, the creatures will rule all Earth for ten thousand years. That's why I'm taking this dead Arnuki beast up in my house to protect myself"

"You have another one of those?" Shaggy asked. The voodoo man went into his house.

"Those creatures are taking over the world? That is so mean" Daphne said.

"They can't do the ritual without a pure human soul. Where in the world are they gonna get one of those?" Fred asked.

"What if it's not a human soul they need?" Stephanie suggested. 

"Steph is right. It didn't say human" Velma said. Something clicked in Shaggy's mind. He thought back to when Scooby fell through the floor.

"Oh boy" he said.

"So if the person behind this needs Scooby-Doo" Peter said.

"And that person is the one that brought Scooby here!" Daphne concluded.


Scooby was brought into a room where Mondavarious was waiting for him.

"Scoobert! How are you my friend? Sit down, please" he said. Scooby sat in a black leather chair. Mondavarious brought a box over to him. It opened up revealing Scooby snacks. "Scooby snack?"

"Maybe rone" Scooby said. He proceeded to chow down on the whole box of Scooby snacks. Scooby looked over at the picture of him. "Rey, rats me!" He smiled the same way that he was in the photo.

"It certainly is! That's because, why? We love you Scooby-Doo. Unlike that alleged friend of yours, Shaggy. He wouldn't believe you about that nasty girl Mary Jane, would he?"


"But I believe you my friend, and that's why I've got a very important job for you" Scooby touched the bobble head cat that was next to him. He looked at it and bobbed his head in time with it.

"Rhuts rat?"

"That's a cat with a bobbing head. Don't touch it!" Mondavarious smacked Scooby on the paw. "Scooby, I would like you to be a sacrifice"

"Ra racririce?"


"If Mondorajagaga wanted Scooby, why did he invite the rest of us?" Fred asked.

"It doesn't matter! We've got to, like, go save Scoob!" Shaggy said. He started to walk off but Fred stopped him.

"Shag, our area of expertise is nutjobs in Halloween costumes"

"We're supposed to be heroes, man. So I'm gonna do what I always do" Shaggy grabbed Daphne's purse. He reached in and grabbed a Scooby snack."I'm gonna eat myself a Scooby snack and I'm gonna save my best pal!" Stephanie stepped forward and stood beside Shaggy.

"Shaggy's right. Scooby is family and I'm not gonna let anything happen to that big lovable dog" she said. Fred, Velma, and Daphne looked between each other.

"Velmster?" Fred asked.

"Oh, you think I'm gonna fall for that? Giving me my own nickname, trying to make me feel like part of the gang?" Velma said. She looked over to Stephanie. "We could make a plan" Stephanie gave her a smile in return.

"What can I do? The only thing I'm good for is getting caught" Daphne said.

"You never let that stop you before. If that's not a true hero, then I don't know what is" Fred said. Everyone put their hands in the middle. Well, everyone except Peter. "Come on, Pete. You're a part of the gang now"

"Really?" Peter asked, a little surprised to hear those words coming out of Fred. He smiled and placed his hand on top. "Thanks you guys. I'm glad to be apart of the team"

"Let's get jinky with it" Velma said. Everyone threw their hands up in the air. Mystery Inc was officially reunited.

Mystery With a Hint of Romance {Fred Jones}Where stories live. Discover now