i quit!

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The gang exited the toy factory. Velma and Stephanie had dried off, and Daphne was still grumpy about being captured by the ghost for so long.

"Fred, I can't believe you took credit for my plan again" Velma said. Stephanie scoffed and crossed her arms.

"There you go again! It was our plan Velma" Stephanie said.

"Fine, our plan"

"Some plan. That ghost pawed me for an hour and a half" Daphne said.

"Daph, look. It's not our fault you always get kidnapped" Fred said.

"I do not always get kidnapped. I can't believe you'd say that to me"

"Oh please, you come with your own ransom note" Velma said.

"She has a point Daph" Stephanie said. Daphne glared at her and then to Velma. Daphne took Velma's glasses.

"Hey, my glasses!" Velma said. She got on the ground and started to crawl, feeling around for Daphne's feet.

"Who's helpless now?" Daphne asked.

"Daph, just give her glasses back" Stephanie said. Daphne stuck her tongue out at her. Velma, mistaking Fred for Daphne, began to strangle him.

"I'm going to kill you Daphne!" Velma said.

"Woah, woah!" Fred managed to get Velma off of him. "Watch the ascot!"

"Hey you guys, look. I know I'm just the dude that carries the bags, but it seems to me that we all play an important part in this group" Shaggy said. Velma eventually got her glasses back from Daphne and the gang was now looking at Shaggy. "I mean we're just like a big, delicious banana split. Fred, you're the big banana. Daphne, you're the pastrami and bubble gum flavoured ice cream, Velma you're the sweet and sour mustard sauce that goes on top, and Stephanie, you're the sprinkles and cherry that complete it"

"Mm-mhm" Scooby said.

"That sounds pretty good, doesn't it Scoob?"


"You know what Shaggy, you've really put it in perspective for me" Velma said.

"Thanks" Shaggy said.

"I quit" Everyone looked at Velma in surprise.

"No way! You can't quit. I was gonna quit in like two seconds and now everyone is gonna totally think that I copied off the smart girl" Daphne said.

"Now, wait a minute, wait a minute" Fred said. Everyone looked to him. "Maybe I quit" Stephanie looked at him with sadness in her eyes. He looked back at her, hesitating a bit, before finally speaking. "I do. Yeah, I quit!" Fred stormed off to his car. Stephanie could feel her heart break.

"I'm outta here" Velma walked off to her car.

"Good riddance" Daphne said before she went over to her car. Stephanie stayed behind with Shaggy and Scooby.

"Don't go. Come on, you guys. Don't do this. Please don't go" Shaggy said.

"Do I quit?" Scooby asked.

"No, Scoob. Friends don't quit. What about you Steph?"

"Shaggy, you couldn't get me to quit even if I tried. I love being a detective and I don't want that to end" Stephanie said. Her, Shaggy, and Scooby got into the Mystery Machine. Shaggy and Stephanie were at the front, with Shaggy in the driver's seat. Scooby was at the back, looking sadly out the window.

"Looks like it's just us for awhile" Shaggy said.

"Rhat now, Raggy? Rhat now Rephanie?" Scooby said.

"I don't know, Scoob. I don't know" Stephanie said.

"I guess we'll all just do what we do best Scoob" Shaggy said.

Mystery With a Hint of Romance {Fred Jones}Where stories live. Discover now