setting the trap

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Velma and Stephanie had put their heads together to come up with a plan. The gang had got what the needed which included a disco ball in the shape of a skull and some harnesses that are used for rock climbing. Daphne and Peter were hoisted up to a tunnel that would lead to the outside of the cave. Velma, Fred, and Stephanie hid in a crevice as they went over the plan again. Shaggy was on the ground below them.

"We'll use the pulleys to tip over the vat" Fred said.

"Then Daphne and Peter will open the air vents from the outside and release the disco skull" Velma said.

"The light will refract off the skull" Stephanie said, pointing to the silver shiny object.

"The creatures will explode, I'll find Scoob, and we will, like, save the world!" Shaggy said. There was a sound of a drum banging. That meant the creatures were coming. Shaggy began to panic as he frantically looked around.

"The ritual is beginning" Fred said.

"Quick Shaggy! Attach us to the vat" Velma said. She threw him one of the harness cords. Shaggy tied the rope through one of the holes in the vat.

"Faster Shaggy" Stephanie encouraged.

"All systems go!" Shaggy let go of the cord, not aware that it was attached to him. Stephanie, Velma, and Fred were holding onto the other end of the cord, ready to swing to the ground. They did, and Shaggy was brought up to the roof of the cave. A piece of the roof broke, causing Daphne and Peter to swing to the walls opposite each other. Shaggy then went swinging, eventually colliding with a man dressed in costume, presumably for the ritual. The creatures began filling up the cave.

"Quick, hide the Daemon Ritus" Velma said. They hid it in a bag and put another bag on top of it for extra measure. When Shaggy was looking for a place to hide, he spotted Scooby in a room. There were girls in the room, fanning him with big red feathers and feeding him Scooby snacks. The creatures began dancing to a chant that began. Stephanie, Fred, and Velma began dancing as well to blend in. N'Goo Tuana, a few guards, and Mondavarious dressed in some sort of ceremonial dress entered. Daphne didn't know what to do so she looked over to Peter. He gave her a nod and started climbing up the wall. She proceeded to do the same.

Meanwhile, Shaggy figured out how he was going to get Scooby. He dressed in the man's clothes. When the women who were with Scooby walked by, chanting and dancing, Shaggy did the same thing. The man behind him woke up but Shaggy quickly knocked him out, dancing in a way that he would hit him over and over.

The chant and dance ended. Velma and Stephanie ended with everyone but Fred kept going, oblivious to the fact that everyone had stopped. Stephanie shook her head at him, and he noticed. He then looked at everyone else.

"Yo, yo, yo, homedogs! Ya'll forgot the next part of the dance. Where we do the Electric Slide! It's electric!" Fred said. He continued on dancing, with Stephanie and Velma awkwardly joining him. "Drive the bus! Drive the bus! Stop! And back it up! And back it up!" They were stopped when a guard grabbed each of them.

"Fred, Velma, Stephanie. Welcome to my little end of the world party. I've waited a long time for this moment. Thank you for returning the ultimate party favor" Mondavarious said. A guard shoved past the three of them with the Daemon Ritus in hand. "The Daemon Ritus"

This was not gonna end well...

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