pepper eating

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Seeing as it was their last day on Spooky Island, they finally came through with the promise of all-you-can-eat. Shaggy and Scooby invited Stephanie and Peter to join them for lunch. The four of them sat at a table covered with food.

"Thanks for inviting us you guys" Stephanie said.

"Yes thanks, but you know Stephanie and I aren't dating anymore" Peter said.

"Like, we know dude. Let's think of this a celebratory meal for solving the mystery, saving the world, Steph dating Fred, and you dating Daphne. I'm glad Spooky Island came through with it's all-you-can-eat deal" Shaggy said. He grabbed a jar of peppers and opened it. He took one of the peppers. "There's nobody I'd rather gorge myself with than you three, especially you Scooby Doo"

"My rest friend" Scooby said.

"You're my best friend buddy. You're beautiful like a beautiful piece of pizza" To illustrate his point, Shaggy held up his piece of pizza which had the pepper on it.

"You sure you want to eat that? I hear those peppers are really hot" Peter said.

"Pete, they don't care. It's food and they'll eat it" Stephanie said. Shaggy took a bite of the pizza only to immediately spit the bite out.

"Zoinks, them peppers is, like, hot" Shaggy said.

"Rimp" Scooby said.

"Wimp? Oh, you think you can handle it? Why don't you put your mouth where your mouth is?" Shaggy slid the jar of peppers over to Scooby. Peter leaned over towards Stephanie.

"I'll bet you ten bucks that he can't do it" he said.

"Deal" Stephanie said. She then put her hand over Scooby's paw. "You've got this Scoob, you got a mouth of iron"

"Raw, ranks Rephanie" Scooby said. He picked up the jar and poured the contents of it into his mouth. Stephanie smirked and held out her hand. Peter sighed and pulled out a ten dollar bill. He slapped it into her hand. Scooby could feel the heat of the peppers. He started panting and moving around.

"Scooby Doo, you feeling okay?" Shaggy asked.

"Roh-no!" Scooby said. Smoke came out of his ears. A waitress walked by and Scooby grabbed the jug of water she had on the tray. He chugged all the water but that wasn't enough. A waiter walked by with a cart. Scooby grabbed a tray off of it and began hitting his head with it. The tray became dented with his face.

"Here, try this Scoob" Stephanie said. She grabbed the bottle of ketchup. She opened the cap and squirted the ketchup onto Scooby's tongue. He sighed with relief.

"Like, how'd that taste man?" Shaggy asked.

"Mmm. Relicious" Scooby said, rubbing his tummy.

"Well, garcon, let's get two more"

"You know what, make it three!" Stephanie said, slamming her fist on the table.

"What the heck? Make it four" Peter said. Shaggy grabbed four jars of peppers from behind him. He gave one to Stephanie, one to Peter, one to Scooby and kept one for himself. The four of them opened the jars.

"On the count of three. One, two, three!" They all counted to three and poured the whole jar of peppers into their mouths. The heat quickly over took them and they all screamed. Smoke even somehow managed to fill the restaurant and come out of the windows.

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