two years and a spooky invitation later

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It's been two years since the break up of Mystery Inc. Stephanie Benson was still in the mystery business, only that she was a private investigator. Her jawline length hair had grown out to being just past her shoulders. She was wearing a white dress shirt, tucked into a pair of denim jeans. She also had a pink leather jacket on, pink boots, and sunglasses with a pink rim. This was considered her detective outfit. She sat with her partner and boyfriend, Peter Cook, in their black car.

"We've been sitting here for over an hour. What exactly are we looking for?" Peter asked. Stephanie took out the folder on their client.

"Our client believes that her husband of ten years is cheating on her and she wants us to find evidence of said affair" Stephanie explained.

"When are we gonna stake out actual criminals? That's the whole reason I wanted this job"

"You don't think I want that either? I miss the old days of catching bad guys. That's the only reason I'm doing this in the first place" There was a knock on the car door that startled them. Stephanie rolled down her window. There was a man dressed in all white carrying a package. "I'm sorry but I'm very close to cracking the case of cheating husband and you're this close to blowing our cover"

"I'm sorry but are you Stephanie Benson?" the man asked.

"Yes, and this is my partner Peter Cook. Who's asking?"

"I've been sent by my employer, Mr. Emile Mondavarious to invite you to his amusement park, Spooky Island" the man said.

"As tempting as that sounds, I really can't. I'm in the middle of a really big case here"

"Yeah, cause nothing is bigger than a man cheating on his wife" Peter muttered.

"Mr. Mondavarious would like you to solve a mystery" the man said. Stephanie tilted her sunglasses down and looked at the man.

"Mystery? Okay, I'm listening"

"He'll pay you a fee of ten thousand American dollars, provide you with free airfare, room and board and all you can eat" Stephanie turned to look at Peter, and he gave her a nod.

"If you throw in an extra ticket for my partner here, we'll come solve this mystery"

"Consider it done"


Stephanie and Peter, dressed in their work attire, walked through the airport to find their terminal. They held onto each other's hands.

"I can't believe it! After two years, I finally get a real mystery to solve" Stephanie said. The smile on her face faded when she saw the familiar blue and orange colors coming towards them. Peter noticed this.

"What's wrong, Steph?" Peter asked. She was about ready to turn around when she heard her name being called.

"Stephanie?" Fred and Velma approached the couple.

"Hey Fred. Hey Velma. Didn't expect to see you two here"Stephanie said, giving them a small smile. The two of them returned to smile. They took notice of Peter. Well, Fred took notice of the way he and Stephanie were holding hands. The smile on his face dropped.

"So Steph, aren't you going to introduce us?" Velma said.

"Oh, yes. This is my partner, Peter. Peter, this is Fred and Velma" Stephanie introduced. Peter smiled and held out his hands for them to shake. Velma kindly shook it, but when it came to Fred, he just glanced at Peter's hand and crossed his arms. Peter awkwardly retracted his hand away.

"It's, uh, nice to meet you two. Stephanie speaks very fondly of you two." Peter said.

"Really?" Fred spoke, a slight smirk appearing on his face. He looked at Stephanie. She didn't dare meet his eyes. Not with the butterflies fluttering in her stomach.

"Stephanie said you're partners. Partners in what exactly?" Velma asked.

"We're private investigators" Stephanie answered.

"Couldn't leave the mystery life behind you, could you Steph?" Fred asked. Before Stephanie answered, she could hear the voice of a familiar redhead speaking.

"What do you mean I can't have seven carry-on bags? That is so economy" Fred, Velma and Stephanie turned their head to see Daphne complaining to a staff member.

"Daph?" Fred and Stephanie muttered.

"Crap" Velma had said at the same time. Daphne turned to look at them.

"Oh no. I'm not talking to you guys" she said. She zipped her lips and threw away her pretend key. Her attention turned momentarily back to the employee and then them. "What the heck are you doing here?"

"Isn't it obvious? We all received the same letter from one Emile Mondavarious, the reclusive owner of Spooky Island" Velma explained.

"It's not fair!" Daphne stormed over to her former friends. "I was gonna solve the mystery all by myself for the first time ever!"

"How are you gonna save yourself when you get caught?" Fred asked.

"I'm a black belt now. I've transformed my body into a dangerous weapon" Fred, Stephanie and Velma couldn't help but laugh. Daphne was flabbergasted. "It's true!"

"Far out!" they heard Shaggy say. Everyone looked at him. "I guess we're all, like, going to Spooky Island, man" Stephanie wasn't so surprised to see him, considering she visited him a few days ago. But there was something missing...

"Hey, where's Scooby?" Velma asked. Scooby proceeded to make his way toward the group. Shaggy had him dressed in women's clothing to pass him off as an old lady. Stephanie couldn't help but grin at the sight.

"They don't allow big dogs on the plane" Shaggy said, pointing as Scooby.

"You've got to be kidding"

"No one is stupid enough to believe that" Daphne commented.

"Who's the ugly old broad?" Fred asked, leaning into Shaggy. Scooby planted a wet kiss on Fred's cheek.

"Say hello to grandma" Shaggy said.

"Flight 3774 to Spooky Island now boarding"

"Listen, I wouldn't have agreed to come if I knew" Velma said. Daphne attempted to walk away but Shaggy stopped her.

"Like, wait. Just think about it for one minute. Mystery Inc reunites. We'll be a team again, just like the old days. So, come on gang. Let's do that thing where we all put our hands in, we lift 'em up, and we go wahoo" Shaggy said. Daphne's eyes flickered between Velma, Fred, and Stephanie.

"Only if Fred, Velma, and Stephanie do it" she said. Everyone looked at each other.

"People are watching Shag" Fred spoke before he walked away, but not before taking one more glance at Stephanie. Daphne put on her sunglasses then walked away. Velma gave a small grin before she left as well.

"Rahoo?" Scooby said, putting his paw up.

"Yeah, Scoob. Rahoo" Shaggy said. Stephanie put her hand on Shaggy's shoulder.

"For the record, I would have done it" she said.

"Me too, and I'm not even a part of Mystery Inc" Peter commented.

"Thanks Steph. Thanks Pete" Shaggy said. The remaining four proceeded to board the plane.

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