finding the castle

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Soon enough, it became dark outside. Stephanie and Peter had parted ways from Shaggy and Scooby. They began searching for clues.

"So, I gotta ask you something" Peter said.

"You're not asking me to marry you are you?" Stephanie asked. She cringed at what she said. "I didn't mean it like that. It's just, there's a lot of things going on--"

"No, no. It's about you and Fred"

"What about me and Fred?"

"Were you two ever a thing?" Stephanie sighed, stopping walking, and grabbed Peter's hands.

"I need you to understand that back in the day, there were some feelings I had for him but those are gone. I lo..." Stephanie tried to say 'love' but she couldn't bring herself to say it. "I really like you" Peter smiled.

"And I really like you too" he said, leaning in for a kiss. The two stood there, just kissing each other. Well, that is until they were so rudely interrupted by, you guessed it, Fred.

"You know, if you two keep kissing like that, you're never gonna solve this mystery" he said. Stephanie groaned and glared at him. She noticed the same glare on his face. Except that it was directed at Peter. And there was a hint of something else in his glare, but Stephanie couldn't quite place it.

"What are you doing?" she asked him.

"I found some footprints. I'm gonna find out where they're going. You're more than welcome to join me"

"Let me think" Stephanie pretended to think it over. "Yeah, no. I'm perfectly fine just searching with Peter" Speaking of Peter, he just stood there awkwardly while Steph and Freddie had their back and forth banter. He could feel the tension between them. And it wasn't just any tension, it was the sexual kind. It was so thick you could cut it with a knife.

"Steph, if you want to go with him, I can go search alone" Peter said.



Fred and Stephanie spoke at the same time as they had a staring contest with each other. Fred had somehow inched closer to Stephanie and his face was just an inch away from hers. It took Stephanie a moment to notice until she shoved him away.

"Personal space, Fred" she said. Her face felt very warm, and somehow Fred noticed and smirked. "Just leave us alone please?"

"Alright. Suit yourself" he said before walking away. He gave one final glare to Peter as he passed by him.

"I strangely get the feeling that Fred doesn't like me" Peter commented.

"I suddenly miss sitting in the car and spying on people" Stephanie said.


Stephanie and Peter kept searching until the came across a creepy looking castle. That's when they had caught up with Shaggy, Scooby, and Daphne. Daphne, at the moment, was trying to convince Scooby and Shaggy to go inside with her.

"Hey guys. Fancy seeing you here" Stephanie said.

"Steph, Peter. I'm glad you guys are here. These two refuse to go inside the castle with me" Daphne said.

"Of course they do, Daph. It's a spooky looking castle"

"Why don't you guys want to go in?" Peter asked.

"Because castles have paintings with eyes that watch you, and suits of armor you think is a statue but there's a guy inside who follows you every time you turn around" Shaggy explained. Scooby acted out the scenarios as Shaggy said them.

"How many times has that actually happened?" Daphne asked.

"Twelve. We're not gonna do it"

"Rat's right" Scooby said. Daphne reached into her purse and took out a Scooby snack.

"Scooby?" Daphne said. Scooby began whimpering, pretending that he had hurt his paw. "Aww, did you hurt your paw? Would you do it for a Scooby snack?" Scooby then became real excited. "And you'll be fearless?"

"Rearless?" Scooby proceeded to show off kung-fu moves, and ended up kicking Shaggy in the face. Stephanie let out a loud snort of laughter.

"Hey, Hong Kong Phooey. Watch the fists of fury, would you buddy?" Shaggy said.

"Here you go" Daphne said, throwing the Scooby snack. Shaggy opened his mouth, hoping to catch it but Scooby did instead. "There's plenty more where that came from. Let's go before someone sees"

"Rokay!" Scooby agreed. Daphne, Stephanie and Peter proceeded to the door. Shaggy and Scooby still weren't moving.

"Are you guys really going to stay out here alone?" Stephanie asked.

"No thank you" Shaggy said. The five of them went inside the castle. The door closed behind them, spooking Scooby and Shaggy. "This place is like uber creepy"

"Reah, ruber creepy" Scooby added.

"The only thing missing is a mindless zombie" Daphne said.

"At least Fred isn't here" Stephanie muttered to herself. One of the doors opened. "I spoke too soon"

"Fred, get back. I found this place. I called dibs on its clues" Daphne said.

"I already found some clues. I followed some weird footprints up here, and it might be dangerous for you" Fred said.

"Then if anyone messes with me, I'll just open a can of two thousand year old Chinese whoop ass on them" A dummy behind Daphne moved and touched her shoulder. She screamed, as did Shaggy, and Velma peeked out from behind the dummy, laughing.

"Velma!" Shaggy said.

"What are you doing here?" Fred asked.

"This ride was closed due to dangerous construction. The most likely place to hatch an insidious plan. And I wanted to scare the patootie out of Daphne" Velma said. She tickled Daphne, who swated Velma away with her purse.

"Well, since we're all together, let's split up and look for more clues. Stephanie, you and I--"

"Typical" Velma cut Fred off. Stephanie mouthed 'thank you' to her. She just didn't want to be alone with him.


"Oh, nothing. I was always picked last for the teams"

"Okay. Daphne, exit through the entrance, and while you're at it, take Peter with you" Fred said. Peter threw his hands in the air. Stephanie gave him an apologetic look. "Velma and I will enter here through the exit there. Stephanie, you stay here and keep watch. Shaggy and Scooby, do whatever you guys do" Everyone went off on their way. When Fred wasn't looking, Stephanie stuck her tongue out at him and proceeded to follow Shaggy and Scooby. Daphne and Peter went the opposite way of where Fred wanted them to go, and Fred and Velma went through a set of doors.

Mystery With a Hint of Romance {Fred Jones}Where stories live. Discover now