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Uhh... hi. After a long time I am back. :D I'm like damn inactive so like fck me and I is very sorry 🥵 Volleyball training and projects got me dead on the floor 🤓 Anyways, here's an update! AND HAPPY BDAY RENJUN!💛🌼 (and hyunjin from SKZ whose bday was yst)
*cues flashback*
"Yo, you should really meet my mom some day," Jaemin said as he sat down and wrapped his arms around the older male. "Huh? For what?" Mark asked while looking at the one bear-hugging him. "Because, if we're gonna further our relationship, my mom has to know you duh." He replied while smacking the older on his head. Mark scoffed and just continued scrolling through his phone while Jaemin tried to hide his blushing face in the older's toned chest. He just laughed at his blushing friend cause that's what guys do. (a/n: lol)
*end of flashback*
"Sweetie! Come help me wash the dishes!" Jaemin groaned as he dragged himself to the sink from his comfy spot on the coach with Mark. "Nana, why won't you date Mark? I mean he definitely has the looks and you two look very close together," Mrs Na asked as she grabbed the wet sponge and started scrubbing a plate. "Okay, mom. If I tell you this you cannot, and I mean you cannot tell Mark I told you okay?" Mrs Na raised her eyebrow and nodded slowly. "I may have made out with Mark before-" "YOU WHAT?!" Mrs Na exclaimed I'm surprise, nearly dropping the plate into the metal sink. "SHHHH. Lady, I told you to be quiet, jesus-" "oh yeah sorry about that sweetie. But how are you guys not dating yet?!" Mrs Na apologised while looking with concern at Jaemin. Jaemin just sighed. He honestly didn't know how to reply to his Mother with this question. "We are neither best friends nor lovers. We are special friends" Mark had said before. His wee little pea brain understood it yes, but not fully. They acted like lovers, but not official ones. Damn the world is so kunfusing.... (a/n: see what I did there ;D no? Okay sry)

To be continued (hopefully soon)
And don't @ me I know this is bloody short

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