CHAPTER 3: Nothing Like Before

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(Currently Editing)


Annoyed, that is what i am feeling right now, because no matter how much i try to disregard or ignore the new student's stares i just can't help but question it.

I even tried sending signals for him to stop, but i can't tell if he can't see it or he's purposly ignoring it.

I was too preocupied with my thoughts that i can't even focus anymore, well not until our teacher spoke up.

"Okay class that's all for today" the teacher said which make me sigh in relief, then we all go out to eat lunch. "Shin Hye that boy is so weird" Jihoon said "Speak for your self I found him so irritating awkward and mysterious" I said looking at the back if he's there, call me crazy but he could appear any time, as both Jihoon and I sit we started our conversation again "And how is that?" "Well first he keeps disturbing me and I can't even concentrate he's so fucking irritating, secondly how did he even expect that I will talk to someone I don't fully know and lastly I swear I almost know everything about the places here in Seoul but I can't even tell if he's from here like is he hiding from someone" I look at Jihoon and he looks surprised like there's somr sort of ghost at my back until someone talk "First of all I like you that's why I keep disturbing you, second is that's how you make friends right you will talk to someone new and lastly I am a new student don't expect me that you knew me or where I live" see what did I told you he will appear in the wrong time

Then as I turn around I saw a smirking Jungkook, well to be honest I am a very kind girl but this boy makes me really pissed off and what do he think he is smirking like a complete idiot cause he give me a reason so I can trust him. Heh no way I'm buying that alibi.


As I saw Jihoon and Shin Hye sitting at a table I focus at my main goal, making her fall in love in me. So I approach there table but then heard them talking about me, as they finish talking I smirk then start stating my side then she turn around

"Would you stop bothering me!" well honestly I will if it wasn't for this mission, honestly this is so embarrassing everyone is looking at us and my cheeks are also starting to heat up but I guess she didn't notice. Jungkook keep it cool "and why?" "because I don't want you to like me, stop following me okay I find you really creepy so just stop!" she said angrily, I thought she's nice but she's so damn heck cold like how am I even supposed to succeed "What if I don't want to?" "Then don't, I don't care anymore Just Stay Away From Me" before I could reply this Jihoon dude pull her and push me, what the heck? "What is your problem!" I said "well she says stay away from her dude" ephasizing the word dude "Psh as if I will stay away" I said as I walk to the rooftop giving up and as I arrive my boss called me

"So how's it going" "All I could say is........ She's nothing like the girl we destroyed before!" I said remembering what happen before "who? Eunha?" my boss said "yup she is so hard to get I can't even tell what do she like and she's also cold like I makes me freeze, also she's too much to handle I thought she was this nice little girl but no! She's the exact opposite!" "Well it's not my problem! And stop exaggerating, that's why I send you there right to find everything out remember" we're in the middle of a conversation as the bell rings "Boss I have to go now I need to go to class" "okay good luck" I hung up and run

IF you're going to play hard to get then let's do it. You'll have to be mine soon as possible so I can finally got to finish my mission.......


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