CHAPTER 32: I don't know

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It was already afternoon and I swear to god I don't have any papers left so I decided to walk first and think of the situation thoroughly

I went to the park where I always relax ever since we came here. So I take the time to reminiscence every moment that happen when we came here "First I got a mission to kill her or perhaps destroy her, second i got to go to school same as her to spy on her, third I got her number by playing archery, fourth I get on a fight with Jihoon and her but end up being friends with them, Then Shin Hye and I got to be the intramurals representative and I fall in love with Shin Hye, lastly I almost kissed her and boss make it up to me which is fake" as I was saying those to a thin air I notice how things got complicated, "The word friends turn to Love, The word destroy turn to protect, the word trust turn to Fake, the word good turn to bad" I said again talking to myself "And finally those people I trust are those who I can't while those who I just meet happens to be those who will take care of me" I added

Like Woozi hyung I know he was having doubting about me but yet he trusted me, he told me to take care of her sister and if he didn't told me the thing about Shin Hye I could've give up or worst destroy her

Jihoon, he fights me for Shin Hye but it's funny that we became friend like nothing happen. He can be stubborn at time, and yes he pisses me off but he is a great friend

Lastly Shin Hye, she put all her efforts just to trust me at first she doesn't care but as times goes by I saw her true identity which make me fall for her

After thinking thoroughly I realize that what will happen if the time comes and I will loss them, will I got to trust anyone the way I trust them? "When every time I let my guard down something bad happens just any seconds" What am I going to do!!!!! "I don't know anymore!" I said but no one pays attention to me even those who pass by

Looking at everyone I saw a dog that happens to pass by but it doesn't have any owner so I followed it, moments later I saw it went to an alley and I the alley there was this gate. At first I was about to go cause nothing is Interesting but when I heard the dog barking I pay attention to the dog "Oh your twin is stuck" I said as I saw a identical dog who look the same as the one I followed "Okay here let me help" I said and help them "Both of you stayed together here?" I ask and they barked "You never let each other go don't you" I said smiling and when they went off something came to my mind



Today was Jungkook's 7th Birthday, and their family throw a small party for him. Everything went fine a well until that night when he heard and eavesdrop to his Father and sister's Conversation

"Appa!" why do he always got to experience everything! Is he your favorite?!" She yelled "IU there are no favorites in this family!" their father said "Appa then how about me I am also your daughter right, I always stay right beside him I always do the good stuffs but I still got ignored by this whole family!" she said and started crying "IU, calm down, I'll do anything for you birthday we will throw a party too but ple-" "No, don't spend your money for me it doesn't matter anyway!" she cut what their father is saying then run away

So Jungkook followed her "Noona! Where are you going!" he ask "None of your business, don't follow me!" she said and run even faster "Noona sorry" he said and she stop "You're sorry? If you're really sorry why don't you go to the forest and never comeback!" she yelled "Will that make you happy, will you be happy when I am gone?" Jungkook said "Do you really want me to die?" he asks and cried "Yes! I want you to die so freaking stay away!" she said and run away

That time Jungkook is still a kid with a precious heart, so saying those words make him sad really sad.........

Through time IU never talked to Jungkook even he tries to make a conversation, when they we're in grade school things got even more miserable than it looks

Jungkook got bullied and he tries pleading for help "Someone help me plea-please" he said while blood from his wounds keep streaming down, he swear to god he saw his sister so he called and pointed to her "No-noona help m-me" he pleaded but instead of helping him she pretends she doesn't know him "Why are you pointing at me do I know you" she said "Poor kid" she added and left with her crew, he saw how much his sister hates him and doesn't care for him

He blocked out and that's when Woozi came "everybody on this area will get detention if you don't go back to your classes!" he yelled and everyone follow cause he is the School's President and son of the most riches family. He carried Jungkook and go



I am tearing up when I remembered how my sister never stand up for me and let me suffer all those things "Why did she did that" I ask myself "Pretending she doesn't know me and let me almost die" I added, if mom has a reason she better have one too "I am too dramatic, I forgot the paper I have to buy aigooo"I said and went back to the street side and walk to the nearest School supplies store and enter


An: hey everyone! the past is being revealed, and every thing has a reason on this story

That's all thank you 

Dangerous Love ||Jeon Jungkook Fanfic||Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora