Swear by the Angel (1)

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I hop in the shower after throwing up into the toilet for the second time this morning. I have battle training with Jace in 20 minutes and if he saw me like this, he definitely wouldn't let me train, but he set off early to go to the gym meaning I have time to compose myself before I have to go. I get dressed once I'm dry and head straight to find Jace. I walk into the room and as soon as he notices me his face immediately drops, and he comes rushing over.
"You look awful." He says, moving a strand of sweaty hair off my forehead.
"Morning to you too babe." I take slight offence, but it is true. I do look awful; I feel awful. I'm either too hot or too cold, and just the smell of food makes me want to barf. Jace tries to stop me from training, but I am stubborn and insist so we're taking it 'extremely slow'- in the words of my overprotective boyfriend. Half way through, I start to feel a little off, but I carry on, passing it off as hunger pains.
"Clary, are you ok?" I can hear Jace, but he sounds far away, like my head is underwater and he's trying to talk to me. "Clary sit down, you look like you're going to pass out."
"I'm fine Jace, just a little lightheaded." Right on cue, the world swirls and I can feel the floor come closer to my face before Jace catches me.
"De ja vu, hey?" I say before the world goes black.

I wake up still in Jace's arms so I can't have been out for too long, it feels like I'm on a fairground ride: "Jace stop spinning or I will throw up on you."
"She passed out in training; I don't know why. Can you just take a look at her please?" I'm placed on a bed and I slowly feel like I'm coming back to reality, the walls are only swaying slightly and apart from the sound of rushing blood, I can hear completely normal again. I don't even have time to speak before the nurse starts poking me with needles and checking my blood pressure, when I try to object, she dismisses me and tells me to keep still. Jace leaves to find Alec muttering something angrily under his breath about how he's going to get me removed from today's mission, and the nurse looks at me with concern-
"How long have you known?" Is everyone speaking in code now? It's bad enough that she's injecting me with god knows what but now she's trying to confuse me as well, today just gets better.
"Excuse me?"
"How long have you known you're pregnant?"
"Pregnant? What do you mean pregnant?"
"You're about 5/6 weeks pregnant Clary, surely you knew. That's why you've been feeling like this."
Surely she's joking right now. I can't be pregnant, I'm 18, I have all my life ahead of me. How am I supposed to raise a child, I can barely remember to feed myself on time, I can't be a mother? The doors to the infirmary open and Jace appear with Magnus next to him. Shit! How am I supposed to tell Jace? I can feel my breathing speeding up,
"I- I didn't know, you can't tell anybody, swear by the angel?" I see her nod slightly just before Jace reaches the bed,
"I've brought you some pancakes Clary," I try to thank him and act normal but I can't breathe, and my hearts beating too fast, and brain is working too quickly for me to keep up, and for the second time today... the room goes black.

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