"Thanks" (6)

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We take a slow walk back to the institute, mostly because I'm stalling, but also because its nice to just walk, and talk and have nothing else to do. We get back, and I am exhausted, so I head straight to my room for a nap, as soon as I lay down on the bed, I am out like a light, I don't even think I put a cover on. By the time I wake up, it's almost six in the morning and I have slept through the night in my clothes, I realise I am not going to get back to sleep so I get up and shower, I may as well get my day started now. I plan to go and get breakfast then head to the training room to do some light training before the day starts and people start waking. I have a small breakfast and by the time I get to the training room, it's around 07:00 in the morning meaning that people will be getting up soon, people including Jace. I do a slight warm up then work on my sparing combination when Alec walks in, "You're up early."
"I was about to say the same for you, sad to be leaving huh?" I try to change the subject off of me as I know that the conversation would only sway to Jace and I, especially since they are Parbati.
"Ye slightly, but I know Jace will do a good job. But as my last day as boss, I have exciting news for you, you're accompanying me to your first post-training mission" he jokes,
"Mission?" Alec starts to practice with sparing with me,
"We're sending out a group to search New York for a demon that's running loose, last of its kind apparently, anyway, I have you on the list and I think you're ready." This is the first time I will have been volunteered for a mission and the excitement gets the better of me, I completely miss Alec's arm, luckily it misses my stomach but only by an inch and it was an inch too close for my liking. The closeness scared me and the excitement of training for my mission is gone, I want to stop.
"Anyway, I am going to go get ready for my first proper mission, count me in." I leave immediately and go to my room to recover.

By mission time, I have taken every precaution possible, I have multiple protective runes on my skin and I'm wearing multiple layers of clothing both to shield from the harsh New York wind and also add extra help for keeping my baby safe. I walk into the kitchen to get something to eat but the smell of whatever someone is cooking reaches my nose and I feel the urge to throw up, I rush straight out of the kitchen to the nearest bathroom throwing up into the toilet until all I am is empty inside. I leave my room barely in time to make it to the briefing before the mission and when I do leave, I am stopped by him, Jace. He's holding a bottle of water and a banana out towards me with a sad smile on his face and I instantly lose all ability to form any words.
"I saw you running out of the kitchen and heard you throwing up, I figured you will need to fill your stomach up again before mission so..." Think of words, its getting awkward Clary. Just think of words.
"Thanks." And then I walk off so quick I'm surprised I didn't fly. Thanks? Thanks? All I said was thanks. I try to listen to the briefing but it's playing on my mind. I had the opportunity to make everything better, and I replied with THANKS.

I am partnered with Alec since its my first mission out of training. He's the only one that doesn't know I'm carrying his niece or nephew and I'm hoping our argument doesn't come up otherwise I can't think of anything else to tell him than the truth. We get to an abandoned church in the south of New York by portal to do a routine check. We are looking for a rare demon which means that not even Alec knows what exactly we are looking for. Whilst heading up the stairs to the annex, we hear a noise, a noise that doesn't sound familiar to anything I've heard before. Alec goes first and leads me into the room that the noise is coming from. What we saw behind the door, was nothing like what we were expecting. 

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