I need Jace (8)

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I rest my head against the wall of the bathroom, it's suddenly too hot and I feel extremely sick, I move to get a glass of water and I can't hold it in any longer, I vomit into the sink, and there's blood, a lot of blood. I manage to divert to the toilet and continue throwing up, it feels like I've been shot in the stomach; I'm paralysed by the pain, I instantly fear the worst. It takes all my strength to stand up, but I need to find someone and laying here isn't going to help anyone. I use the wall to help me out of the bathroom and head down the corridor to the party, Alec comes out and sees me straight away and I have never been so relieved; "Clary? What's wrong? Is it when you got hit today? I healed you. I need to get a nurse." Alec's words are rushing a mile a minute and you can tell how panicked he is.
"I got hit, but I'm in so much pain, I need you to get Jace, now."
"Jace isn't here Clary, he thought you wouldn't want to see him, so he left." He left? Great timing that is,
"You don't understand, I got hit in the stomach, I'm pregnant." His face drops, he's the only person that didn't know, "I need Jace." My legs give way, I can't keep standing from all the pain, Alec catches me before I fall but I'm struggling to keep conscious.
"Hey Alec, what are you doing this is your party?" Magnus comes from the hall and immediately rushes to me when he sees me, Alec ushers Magnus away and starts instructing him to do something, through all the jumble in my head, I can hear Alec pleading to him,
"She's pregnant, she got hit today, I didn't know or I would've done something, can you help her whilst I go get Jace?" I can't hear the rest of the conversation, but by the way that Alec storms off, I'm assuming he can't. Magnus helps me off of the floor and into a room away from the party, he tries a spell on me but it doesn't help one bit, and the pain is intensifying, I am doubled over on the floor and the cold concrete feels amazing on my skin, "Magnus, I-" Izzy walks into the room and as soon as she sees me, she starts to panic,
"Izzy, you need to get someone, who's the head of the infirmary here?" She walks out without saying another word, I get another sharp pain and groan, I can't stay here in this pain much longer, I can feel my concentration going and all I can see is blackness.

I can't have been out longer than a minute, Magnus was still stood over me with a flask of something, I'm assuming it was to get me to come round but it really doesn't agree with me, I manage to sit up through the pain and someone shoves a bucket in front of my face right in time for me to throw up. "Jesus she's boiling, Magnus can't you do something?" I know that voice anywhere. I look up and he's here,


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