My Baby (13)

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I don't know how long I was asleep for, but I wake up to Jace brushing the hair out of my face,
"Morning baby; or should I say evening?"
"It's six at night Clary, you've slept all day. I have been looking for you. I spoke to Izzy, she told me that I haven't been there enough and I am so sorry. I didn't realise how much I hadn't been there, I have been so busy and I hadn't thought about how it might be affecting you."
"You're never here."
"I know" He agrees "I'm going to try harder I promise."
"You missed our appointment." He agrees again,
"You're hiding something from me." This time I turn to look at him, and he goes silent. "What are you hiding from me Jace?" He sighs and I think I have finally got through to him,
"We spoke to the counsel at Alicante when we had the meeting, they told us that their wards are down, the demon you fought the night of the party, that wasn't any normal demon, we don't know where they are coming from. They are also only targeting New York, oh, and Alicante. But only whilst we were there. Well not 'we'." He paused, as if he was thinking the best way to word it, although I already have an idea of what he is going to say "You Clary- they are targeting you. Someone is sending demons after you, they appeared around 11 weeks ago and the amount of demon attacks have just grown since. When we went to Alicante, they had a ton more activity on their radar for demons, then as soon as you left, it spiked again in New York. We are keeping it under control, but until we find out who it is, I don't know what else we can do bar wait." I take a moment to process what he is saying, I don't really understand what he is saying,
"11 weeks ago?" If it's spiked since 11 weeks ago, and they are after me, it cant be a coincidence, "Jace, I am 12 weeks pregnant."
"I know, and I am doing everything I can to keep you both safe, nothing will touch you."
"No Jace, You're missing the point. I am 12 weeks pregnant, the demons spiked 11ish weeks ago, and they are only targeting me. Jace, what if it isn't me, what if it's our baby." My hand instantly goes to my stomach in shock of what I have just said. My baby, my baby who isn't even born yet, is in danger.

I can almost hear the cogs turning in Jace's head and within seconds, he's calling Alec
"Meet me at the institute, I'm calling an emergency meeting."
"Jace, Jace talk to me." He stops, turns around and pulls me into a kiss. But it's not a romantic kiss, it's almost a hurried kiss, a kiss that seems like he is afraid. I can feel the anxiety bubbling up. I realised trying to get something out of him is pointless at this time so instead I just follow him into he meeting room where he sounds the alarm. I haven't seen him like this since Valentine and it makes me nervous, what I said was just an idea but he is so serious it frightens me.

It takes seconds before the whole room is full, Alec got here within a minute of Jace calling him, along with Magnus and Izzy. There is a frantic hum around the room and my heart feels like it is about to beat out of my chest, I feel sick, but this time it's from nerves.
"Thanks for dropping everything to be here, as most of you know we have a problem with demons around for the past 11 weeks, we have tracked their targets and landing spots and it appears that they are mainly targeting Clary, coincidence? Possibly. But I am not wanting to sit and wait to find out. Especially since they arrived the time that Clary fell pregnant-" The whole room sighs, some people cheer and congratulate me, but there is a sinister murmur underneath it all, where they know that what Jace is saying could be the only explanation. "When Clary went to fight the demon on a few weeks back, it took the form of a baby, and so have many others that hunters are killing around New York. So, we are deploying you all on a mission, you will be split into teams of five and each be sent to a coordinate of city. Izzy has managed to skew the lay lines and we have been able to make it look like Clary is appearing all around the city so we can test out this theory. You will all leave tonight, get ready." He walks off the stage and disappears, I don't know where too but before I have chance to follow a group of people are following me asking me questions about our baby.

"You're worried?" I found Jace on the roof looking over the city, I crept up behind him and wrapped my arms around him, I rest my head on his back and I can feel how fast his heartbeat is in his chest.
"I always worry about you Clary, because I love you. Both." He pulls me round so I am face to face with him, and he looks so tired. I haven't had a proper look at him since I told him I was pregnant because he's been so busy so I never noticed the bags he has under his eyes or how sunken he looks. His hair isn't as tidy as it always is and he just doesn't look like Jace.
"I am fine Jace, and so is our little dot. We are protected by so many people and runes, nothing can touch us in here. Especially with you looking out for us." There is a pause where I can tell he is thinking about something, and then his face goes so sad-
"I missed our appointment Clary."
"I know, but it's okay. You are protecting me and this baby. Do you want to see?" I pull out the pictures of baby that I got at the appointment and hand them over to him. His reaction is the same as mine, a tear drops onto the paper and I have never seen Jace look so vulnerable, but I love it.
"That's our little girl Clary. It's all ours."
"Or boy Jace. We find out in a month on the next scan."
"I'll be there to see our girl." He knows he's teasing me, I slap his arm and we just curl up into each other on the roof. It is quite cold but I haven't spent this much time with him in ages so I am happy to just sit and look at the stars.
"I love you." 

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