[Chapter 19]

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"Jupiter, kindly sit down while I speak to Laura" the smile upon my sister's face dissappears. She knows what's about to happen.

"She was only trying to be nice" My heart sank, but I didn't let that top the main reason I wanted to speak to Laura.

"Please do it Jupiter. I'm asking you to do this" She just nods and sits down, I stand up in place and walk round, giving my sister I side hug.

Walking into the living-room, I do find a guilty looking Laura. She looks at me with kind eyes, I bite my lip, I'm protective but I am also a softy. I swallow back whatever I'm feeling.

"Laura, why did you offer Jupiter to stay here for the night?" She shrugs her shoulders and looks towards the photos on the wall. She stands and walk towards them.

She sighs, holding herself.

"When you told me that your mum ran... I felt bad that Laura didn't have a mother like figure, now before you say anything. I am in no way trying to replace her. I'd never dream of doing that. I'm just trying to give her that sense that she can rely on someone other than her older brother, you know" I was dumbfounded. I was not, in anyway expecting that to come out of Laura's mouth.

"Laura, I'm sorry for overlooking the whole idea of what you were offering. I think it's because we only just met a few days ago but I should've realised over the past 72 hours we have done a lot of connecting. All 3 of us I mean, not just-" I look Laura up and down, she blushes a little knowing the word.

"Us" She nods, but points to a picture of her and mother. On the photo it states that Laura is 7 years old.

"That was the very last year before my mum got accepted for a job, once she was accepted. She was barely in the house and when she was, she was constantly on her phone as if it was her life source, when, not to sound-" She paused for a moment, thinking of the word.

"My point is, she never paid any attention to me or my big brother back then. I completely lost connection with my mother, as did my brother. Our dad didn't seem to care, he just did what he needed to keep mum happy. Even if that meant keeping his own kids outta his mind. My brother and I, Dylan. We were lucky to get our dinner every night" I close my eyes at even imagining the memory that Laura & I had to actually live.

"I'm honestly truly sorry. I won't say anything against your hospitality again" Laura shaking her head, she puts on a light smile and reaches her hand out to mine. I accept it and take hold of her hand within mines. We do continue to look at the photos on the wall, there is only a few since most of them were taken by Laura's parents. They only left photos of themselves and took pictures of Laura & her brother Dylan.

"Do you know why they took pictures of you and your brother and left the pictures of themselves behind?" She looks at me, confused. Then looks at the pictures once more, then she moves to take a look around the living-room.

"I haven't actually realised that pictures of my brother were gone as well as mine, why do you think they did it?" I look once more, maybe to mentally confirm my own theory.

"Maybe, they took those pictures to keep you's in their mind, so they wouldn't forget about you, and maybe that is why they left pictures of themselves, now please do not hold me to that. I could be wrong" I keep an eye on her reaction. She does look at me, thinking for a moment then looking again to the pictures on the wall.

"You could be right, you never know" I nod, looking down thinking for a moment. 

My heart knows what to do, I know I can do this. I need to do this, be trusting.

"Laura, Jupiter please come through to the living-room" I see Laura looking at me, wondering what I am going to do. I give her a reassuring look before my sister walks through the hall.

"You can stay with Laura, Jupiter." 

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