♡The Little Brother♡

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•Name- "Don't tell me you don't remember..." he whined and tugged at your shirt. (His name is Aiden)

•Age- "Two years younger than you." He mumbled

•Uke or seme?- "Hmm?" He tilted his head and raised an eyebrow. (He's an uke)

•Species- "You and I are the same thing, big brother..." He pout

•Personality-  Aiden is your typical, anime esque little brother type. He is reliant on you and others, he is sweet, and he is smol!! He is that type of boy who is very shy. Letting people come close to him in an emotional context is not an easy task for him. He shelters himself in a lot of ways, refusing to learn about the hardships of the world and everything that means. He is one who hides behind the people he loves and trusts, never wanting to get hurt. So, you'll need to help him break out of his shell a little. Or not

•Likes- Sweets, stuffies, sleeping, drawing, and acting

•Dislikes- School, being away from you, being pressured, and the dark

•Backstory- Really, everything is the same as you. The only big difference is that he has been babied by you almost all of his life. And so, he struggles a lot with social interactions. But that can be fixed eventually. If you want it to be fixed, that is

•Other- He's the top actor at school, much beloved in the drama club. Maybe a little too loved, if you catch my drift

•Scenario- Your brother is top tier in the drama club he takes part in. And while you're happy for him in making some good friends, one thing irks you. The guys there. His last show that you remember, there was a kissing scene, and that fucker really took his first kiss! So now, you feel rather uneasy. What if the next show, more happens. Or what if things happen during rehearsal? That's it! No more waiting! Today, you stomped in there with the excuse of needing to pick up Aiden early, seeing what you feared in the dressing room. Hoisted up against the wall, some guy is making a whore of your little brother! What are you going to do?

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