♡The Unsuspected♡

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•Name- "My name is Payton." He grinned at you

•Age- "What does that really matter?" He tilt his head. (He's 19)

•Uke or seme?- "I have no idea what you mean." He chuckled. (He's a seme)

•Species- "You really want me to answer that?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. (Human)

•Personality- Payton is generally a good person. He does the thing of helping others when he can, is social, and will always be the shoulder that you can cry on, or the friend you can turn to in a time of need. But that is all counteracted by the fact that he is lying to everyone. All the time. About almost everything. He is a two faced person. On one side of him-this. A kind and caring person. On the other, a depressive, compulsive liar that can't bring themselves, out of fear, to admit to all of their lies. It's a dilemma

•Likes- His friends, helping others, sunny days, animals, and baking

•Dislikes- Lying, being misgendered, his family, being stuck inside, and school 

•Backstory- His parents had gotten two sons already and were hoping so badly for a daughter. So when they had Payton, they up and forced him into being a girl, for their sake. He grew up knowing he was a boy, but under the thumb of his parents, pretending to be a girl. These problems still persist, and even his brothers think he is a girl

•Other- He's got a "girlfriend" who is the only one who knows his secret. She agreed to keep it at the low low cost of: sex. And lost of it. He hates it, but he would rather no one else know his secret

•Scenario- You are not a bad person. You are not a person for drama and all of that. But when you overhear something, you just have to get yourself in trouble. You go to a college with mixed dormitories. They honestly said fuck it, knowing that students will have sex as they please. And in the dorm next to yours is a lesbian couple. Or, at least you thought they were that. You one day, wanting to ask them to keep it down in the middle of the night, wander over. Suprisingly, the door was open. So you walk in, half awake, ready to go off, when you see this...guy? Long blonde hair down to his waist, completely naked, trying to sneak away from the bed, the girl taking trash. "Payton, where are you going?"
"Away. I want some water, so that a problem?"
"It is if you want everyone knowing you have a dick. Now get back here. Round two." She sat up and smirked at him. The male just whimpered and ran a hand through his hair. This is terrible! So what are you going to do?

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