♡The Girlfriend's Brother♡

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•Name- "You don't know my name?" He raised an eyebrow. (His name is Cyan)

•Age- "I'm 17." He shrugged and glanced away

•Uke or seme?- "Hmm? What does that mean?" He asked in suspicion. (He's a seme)

•Species- "Human. Duh." He rolled his eyes

•Personality- Cyan is a rather shy person. He likes to stay in the background, letting others take the spotlight. He is pretty soft spoken and prim to tripping over his words. But that isn't to say he is a welcome mat. He will totally be able to stand up for himself. It's just that fight for attention that he refuses to be a part of. He is a good and kind person as well. If he can offer any sort of help, he will totally offer it

•Likes- His family, parties, alcohol, being alone, and writing

•Dislikes- Being alone too long, you, figuring himself out, and being pressured into doing something

•Backstory-  Youngest sibling, he was born under his sister. She got all of the attention. And so he just got used to it, actually growing to enjoying being out of the spotlight. So he just went on living, doing what he wanted without everyone being on his case for it

•Other- His sister can get away with anything when it comes to him. He loves her so much, he would do anything for her

•Scenario- Though you at not usually the type to want to go to parties and such, you got dragged to one by your girlfriend. At least it was at her house, so you could stay the night should you get too drunk. The night started off loud and almost intolerable, but started to wind down. Now, you're sitting in a circle, everyone playing a round of spin the bottle. Some people had to be convinced, and some went right for it. You were lucky to not have to play at all until now. You spun the bottle, hoping and praying it landed on your girlfriend again, only to have it land on...her brother. The two of you stared at each other, him blushing softly. You start to argue for not kissing him when your girlfriend tells you she would love to see her gay ass brother get a kiss from you. So, do you go for it or not?

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