♡The Wraith♡

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•Name- "I am telling you nothing." He hissed in a whispy, ethereal voice. (His name is Connor)

•Age- He glanced away, seemingly biting his lip. (He is about 80, but looks 20)

•Uke or seme?- "Do not trouble me with your modern-day lingo." He sighed heavily. (He's a seme)

•Species- "I am no longer of this earth." He growled. (He's a wraith, which is basically a very angry and vengeful ghost)

•Personality- Connor could be such a kind person. In fact, he was. But not anymore. He's been blinded by every negative emotion that he's been feeling for years. His heart has turned to stone in the past years and he doesn't seem to care at all. Connor is a very serious person. If you cannot give him a logical explanation to something, then he doesn't want to hear it. He's closed off. He cannot stand even himself. All people are a nuisance. And he will not change his mind on that. Not easily at least

•Likes- Being alone, looking at old pictures, thinking, music, and knowing others can see him

•Dislikes- The past, knowing he is truly alone, knowing he is dead, not knowing how he died, and feeling cold

•Backstory- He was a son in a good family. He protected his little sisters and worked hard with his father. Life was good. But it all went downhill when he fell in love with this girl. They carried on a romance that he was so very happy with. When she announced her pregnancy, he couldn't have been happier. But her father was not so happy. Not happy enough to shoot Connor in between the eyes, killing him instantly. And filled with anger and sorrow for being killed, he's been a wraith haunting his house for years

•Other- He is tangible, which means he can be touched. But only if he wants to be. So have fun with that

•Scenario- You just got yourself a new house. It's over 100 years old, but it seemed perfect to you. You are in the middle of unpacking when you suddenly hear a noose from upstairs that startles you. It sounded like a man screaming. Carefully, you take your phone in case you need to call the police and wander upstairs. In the back room is a man, his figure misty and blackened. "God, if you exist, let me pass on! I miss my girl, my child! Please!" He screamed, throwing himself to the floor. This is odd. What do you do?

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