♡The Changed Ex Boyfriend♡

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•Name- "Oh...I guess I shouldn't have expected you to remember..." He mumbled. (His name is Soren)

•Age- "What? You and I are the same age." He blinked at you in confusion

•Uke or seme?- "I...I am at a loss..." He muttered, playing with a stran of hair. (He's a seke)

•Species- "H-Human?" He looked at you, clearly puzzled

•Personality- He used to be a depressed and aggressive person. He would constantly lash out at people. He was unable to handle himself in ways that were healthy. And it was just a mess. Now, he is a much better person. He's gotten shyer, but it's not that bad. He's got this anxiety about him though. He's always worried that he'll revert back to that awful person he used to be. So, he is always putting other people first now. And while that is still rather destructive, he thinks it's better to live in that fear

•Likes- You, being praised, his job, and his therapist

•Dislikes- Hurting others, alcohol, drugs, parties, and scaring others

•Backstory- He lived in a household that was terrible. His mother was 14 when she had him, daughter to a father who used her body to buy himself drugs. She never could care for him like she wanted. But she tried. She worked herself to death trying to care for him. Then his grandfather had to take care of him. And that man was terribly abusive. Once he was sent to jail, Soren was put into foster care. As you can imagine, that didn't end well. He was passed from home to home, some parents good, and some bad. But when he turned 18, he was jetted out of the system. He had already been an alcoholic for two years, and was with you, repeating that cycle of hurt he had gone through. When you left him, he cleaned up his act. He got a better job, went to rehab, and went to therapy. Now he's a better man

•Other- His brother is one who protects him and wants what a best for him. So, he will fight you if you so much as make his brother feel a little anxious

•Scenario- A couple of years ago, you broke up with the man you dated all throughout high school. While he could be a sweet guy, he was an abuser. You still have some scars. Some days, he terrified you. And you're soundly glad you left. Which is why today was so scary. While going to your therapist's office, you stumble upon- "Soren..." the name leaves your mouth before you can even think. He quickly looks your way. Now what?

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