♡The Daddy♡

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•Name- "What is it baby boy? Are you sick?" He gently felt your forehead with the back of his hand. (His name is Jason)

•Age- "I'm pretty old." He chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck. (He's 28)

•Uke or seme?- "Wanna tell daddy what those words mean, baby boy?" He asked with a tilt of the head. (He's a seme)

•Species- "Daddy is a big, strong man." He chuckled

•Personality- Jason is a kindhearted man. He loves all children, and even those with child- like tendencies. He adores having to take care of another person. Making them feel happy, making them feel safe, all of that brings joy to his heart. So picking up up cutie like you just had to happen. He's a very laid back sort of person as well. Punishments are an odd occurance. He is a loving man through and through.

•Likes- You, caring for you, seeing you happy, cooking, and spoiling you

•Dislikes- You disobeying him, having to punish you, his job, and people who hurt you

•Backstory- Not a lot can be said. He grew up in a family that was big on helping others and the community. He took those ideals and made them his own. Which is why he is such a good man today

•Other- If you want to know the rules, here they are: 1- No "playing" without daddy. 2- No Inviting anyone else over without daddy's permission. 3- No disobeying whatever daddy asks. 4- Clean up the mess if you get out the toys. Not much, but breaking them will earn a spanking

•Scenario- Jason is your daddy. And he's the best daddy! He takes care of you, loves you, spoils you, does whatever be can to make you happy. And you really really appreciate it! So, you wanted to make a present for him! You're getting this present ready for him when you suddenly hear the door opening. "I'm home!" He called, putting down his keys and bag. You can hear him heading over to the room you're in. You've got to hurry! What do you do?

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