Chapter 3•monster(s)

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I pumped my legs faster, running barefoot on the cool cement. I looked behind me to see the thing on the wall still chasing me, it's claws extending outwards to me. I turned a corner and swallowed, relieving my dry throat.

Come on Artemis, faster!

I clutched onto the empty space in front of me hoping that I wouldn't die tonight. Street lights and the empty road blurred past me as the adrenaline seemed to fuel my burning legs.

I refuse to die tonight!

Three hours earlier

"Are you sure you're okay?" Havana asked. I gave a tight smile, "of course" I lied through my teeth.

"Don't lie"

"I'm not lying"

"I can tell when you lie"

"Psh! Not possible"

"Artemis, I am a liar, I know a liar and when I see one, now tell mama the truth" she puckered her lips. I sighed as I continued to apply lip gloss, "last night I almost hit someone-"

"Was he cute?" She immediately shrieked. I spun around, "I tell you that I almost murdered someone and you ask if he was attractive?" I deadpanned. "Sorry, what I meant to say was 'what happened'" she corrected.

"I was on my way back and when I was driving and my stereo fuzzed out, all of my clocks
changed to 6:66, and when I looked up...there was a figure in the road. I almost hit it, but I stopped, thankfully. And when I got was gone" I said. Her face was contorted into a serious expression, "That's um...scary, hey I need to go ask my mom something I'll be right back" she said quickly, running out of the room.

I frowned, there was a disturbed glint in her eye that made me curious. I sighed, shaking my head and going back to my makeup. I'm probably just being paranoid. A few moments later, she walked back in. "Everything good?" I asked.

"Y-Yeah, I just had to ask her about my um...oh hey look, this is cute" she said enthusiastically. She placed a necklace in front of me, it was a small blue crystal, hanging onto a silver chain.

"Yeah it is, but I already have a necklace picked out" I said, pointing to the other. With her eyes still on me, and a large smile plastered on her face, she grabbed the necklace and tossed it. "Pleaseeee, it's sooo cute" she begged.

I sighed, moving my hair to put it on. I found it strange that she wanted me to wear a blue crystal necklace with a red dress, but what harm could be done? I'd feel bad saying no.

Soon we were finished, and left my apartment for the club she had been nonstop talking about. It seemed like we were driving for ages until we pulled into a crowded parking lot with young adults pregaming on their car hoods.

Havana whipped out our fake id's that said we were 21, so we could drink. While I was the designated driver, I was just gonna stick to a water. "Let's go" she said excitedly, as she exited the car. I followed, as we skipped the line and the bouncer opened the red string thingy for us.

"What was that?" I asked. "He's dating my mom" she said simply, pulling me into the large club. It was overflowing with people, who all danced in a tangle of lust and color. There was two levels, the top one exposed for all the VIP people to watch us peasants from their comfy tiger rugged chair. The bottom had the seating area, dance floor, and impressive bar that had drawn Havana like a moth.

"Be right back!" She yelled, as she sped her way to the wrap around bar table. "Okay" I yelled, though she couldn't hear me. I pushed my way through the large and cramped crowd until a pair of hands landed on my hips.

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