Chapter 15• Revelations

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I snort, "I don't really know...dumb I guess"

"No!" I jump by the anger in his voice, the flames rising around me quickly and caging me in. The heat now fills our circle and swarms me like a thick jacket, too tight to shrug off. It's suffocating, yet in a way I know I can breathe.

"Your soul is older than mine Dea, older than the godly walls that have risen around the Heavens, and the skulls that barricade the doors of Hell" he snarls, a chill runs through my legs and into my spine.

"What do you mean- older?" I ask, with the realization that I'm about to have everything answered. Hopefully. And with the beautiful yet haunting words that strung out from his voice, like a rope being tugged out from the dried mud it had been cemented in. Hidden from the rest of the world.

"I remember how the angels sung your name from the heavens, how their harps and lightning roared through the sky, singing their song for you. Ah such pleasant memories, that was the most peaceful the heavens and hell had ever been. Because the cosmos had finally spat you out" he chuckles, seeming to reminisce about my birth like he was my uncle.

I cock my head to the side in confusion, fumbling my fingers. The cosmos? "What do you mean spat me out?" I ask, my bottom starting to ache from sitting on the hard floor for so long.

"I mean, your creation was a revolution. The beginning of a movement that would ripple into the spanse of all living breathing things. For some reason, life in its entirety would deny its nature just to obey your call. Planets would rearrange their solar systems for you, energy in everything lives to serve you. If you stomped your feet, demanding that the earths crust be shifted and the waves were to swallow the cities of your people up, they would. It is a gift to be loved by everything in every universe and galaxy, but also your biggest liability Dea"

I had noticed he had called me "Dea" two times now, which most certainly wasn't my name. In a way, I found it strange that the only thing that had bothered me about those sentences was that he called me Dea, and not that he said I was a liability to myself.

"How is it a liability exactly? I mean, does that mean nothing can hurt me?" I ask, slowly feeling the ring of fire begin to cool on my human skin. "Because those things have no boundaries of good and bad when it comes to you. Because in the process of demanding waves nature would sacrifice million to make you happy for a second. And that is not how things should be. There is a balance to be respected, a boundary that the dimensions depend on to live. Now that you're of the age Lucifer swore to take you, everyone knows of your existence, the beings that have dreamed of taking power that you've been given by right of birth will try and do just that. There was no prophecy of you, no stars aligned to predict such a powerful existence. Like the universe expanding you just happened. And for whatever purpose it's bigger than everything" by the time his silky voice has stopped spinning words from his invisible mouth, my jaw is open.

"This is crazy, so I'm not even here for any reason? I just happened to be born with it" I ask incredulously.

"Maybe you are Dea, maybe you aren't. But as far as I know, Satan will rise from his dungeon in the in-between to steal your soul and run from his damnation. And the only one who can protect you is his son, the prince. Which I know is a paradox but you are all leveled with each other as of now. Satan uses his originals to suck up power from mortals. He's building, and it will be a battle of Gods surely" my face instantly sours at the reminder of Damian. A deep laugh emits from his mouth.

"I want nothing to do with that asshole, I was trying to escape" I mutter, simmering in the warmth of the circle when I suddenly realize that no ordinary human ghost could possibly know that much of the inner-workings. I cross my arms and raise my eyebrows at empty space.

"Say, you're not some random ghost are you?" I ask, tucking my chin in slightly as I lean back when the ring of fire disappears and is replaced by a halo of light. He ignores my question.

"Lucifer can only protect you true, but by the memory of my mentor and your father, Michael- Archangel of the order of seven, we will try our hardest to save you from the depths of hell that wish to claim you" the halo explodes, and an immediate rush of something like safety, and pureness covers me.

White wings sprout from the light, green, glassy feathers with sharp edges lining the tips. I gasp.

"I am called Raphael, Archangel of the order of seven, I'm here to help Dea"

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