Chapter 17• Rio

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So sorry for the terrible wait for a new chapter!! I recently have been battling some demons in my personal life, and unfortunately it has taking a toll on my writing. I thank those of you who still have stuck around to chapter 16, it's with pleasure I bring you the 17th, enjoy <3

I take a large breath of air into my lungs, slowly inhaling Rio's city air. The scent of chicken slabs frying on the open barbecue, other foods being cooked in vendors or under small foundations.

Alcohol, sweat, frying food, a small odor coming from the gutter on the side. But in Rio no one could notice any stink with so much life in the air. A focal point of energy even I could not deny, admittedly, the humans have outdone themselves, not something I say occasionally.

The last time I was in Brazil was bloody, so this turn of energy is very refreshing.

It's early still, around 5 pm, but the festivals and parties have been going day and night, on all the "blocos" the civilians call it. The sun is bright, occasional clouds passing through the blue sky, a warm breeze.

I've never been to Carnival before, but Greed and Eros insisted it was something to experience. One of the few human experiences that were big or loud enough to enjoy. On drugs of course.

Personally, Brazil wasn't my first choice for our "vacation". At first Greed wanted to go to Idaho in the states, I have no fucking clue why he'd pick Idaho, something about a golden potato.

I said we should go to Norway, but Eros insisted that we needed to see Carnival, and so under the promise of many other things, I reluctantly agreed.

My curly brown hair was tied into a small bun with an elastic band Greed stole, no longer waving from the warm breeze. Not that we didn't have the money. He argued its instinctual, I argued it was because he's a jackass.

"I forgot Brazil could be so cool, why the hell didn't you mention it sooner?!" Greed yells from behind me as we cruise down the bustling street. Eros laughs, "I did, like 10 times, you never listen dumbass. I've been telling you guys to visit South America more!" His voice isn't coarse like Greeds is, it's much softer and gentle, although it would not at all mimic his raging attitude.

You couldn't tell at first he has some serious commitment issues, a bad rift in whatever our relationship is exactly. Some days I express my love for him and he doesn't feel the same, and when I stop talking about it he starts getting mad I'm not being affectionate. Our little game, how tiresome it grew over the last 10,000 years.

I turn to view my unstable lover. He's wearing a pair of cotton grey shorts, a slim white t-shirt, slightly cropped. I observe the way it clings to his body. Stunning, of course.

Eros has unruly hair, wild on his head, pieces peeking out in all directions. It's a warm chocolate brown, the color of bark on a Redwood. Mesmerizing green eyes turn to gaze at me too, his skin- warm and tanned from endless days in the sun, spent observing lovers of all sorts.

"You like it too right?" He implores, I grin at him. "We all haven't had a vacation in a century, it feel nice to not be burdened by endless tasks" I smile. "Look at that float!" Greed yells, for a man who has seen everything, he's excited by the smallest and often uninteresting things. Often times when we're all together for prolonged periods it's not on vacation like this, it's usually working. Hunting estranged demons, beings that shouldn't be seen by mortals, the very esteemed and glamorous...clean up crew.

When Luce began giving me such tasks, I was simply uninterested and annoyed, I was not some babysitter- left to pick up the crumbs of the many deities, but when he allowed me to assemble a small group to help I had a few ideas.

Quickly, Greed runs through Eros and I, weaving through civilians and tourists, towards a food stand. I sigh and follow him, grabbing onto Eros's hand as I pull him through feathers, beads, and loud music. "Are you truly enjoying yourself? You say you are, but your face is grim" Eros's smooth voice comments lightly behind me, inquiring my hidden mood.

"It's nothing really, the last time I was in Brazil was just just a strange time for me, that's all" I see him open up his mouth to say something else but I quickly turn my head and yell at Greed. The last thing I need right now is to unravel things I've pushed away, even if it's Eros. He would never do the same for me anyway.

For a split moment I glimpse into the past, and small images float back. Blood, the color of crimson and gold. Warm rain pouring onto our wing sprouted bodies and on the green jungle leaves. Sticky with blood and sweat, so much death and life at once. I care not to remember. But still, the same oddness still lingered in the air, I've chosen to say nothing, but might a situation arise- well, who knows.

"Hurry up I want to see the street with the nuns!" I yell.

He turns and grins at us. His hands are holding a coconut with the top sliced off, a thick blue straw sticking into the milk. Greed has skin the color of Kalahari sand, he's tall with wide shoulders and scarred arms from many battles. Wild and unruly black hair is in a glossy braid down to his chest, light brown eyes narrow with sharp brows.

"I've just had the most wonderful idea, huddle we need to re-evaluate our afternoon" he grins widely, eyes mischievous and stirring with either what would end with us getting arrested or taken to a different realm.

"I SAID I WANNA SEE THE NUNS!" I yell loudly, drawing few eyes from carnival partakes, few seemed to care, the energy in the air was too wild to keep anyone focused on anything besides the life.

"WE WILL! NOW LISTEN" he yells back, walking back over to us, stepping through the crowded road. "What is it Greed? We still need to head over to see the floats in time, plus I wanna fly up to the Christ statue and sit on the head" Eros sighs, flipping on a pair of silver rimmed aviators Greed also stole.

"Oh I call the index finger!" I exclaim.

Greed laughs, "You fools, we can do all of that but BETTER! Have you...have you ever heard of xuale?"

I laugh

"Who the fuck is Xuale?" Eros asks as he slowly chews some gum, arms crossed.

"Not who is Xuale but what is Xuale, and it my friends, is the most powerful psychedelic drug in our worlds combined, it's rare, only found growing in the stump of the Bringers Tree. And I know where to find it!" he roars, laughing wickedly.

Eros and I turn to look at each other at the same time.

For the first time in a while, Greed has said something useful.

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