Chapter 16• Error: Brotherly love not found

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Its a paradox.

The way I've been built into a a piece of raw energy that isn't completely evil, nor completely good either.

To rule realm, a line of energy that wasn't built to be ruled by me to begin with, it requires a deep numbness, a negligence for full emotion. Or else you get too tied in, and you let those emotions betray you and it makes you let everything you've created crumble.

I stare at my ash covered hands, hands that have plunged deep into Satans body and ripped his heart out. Hands that wrapped around the necks of many terrible souls, of many demons that lurked in her room, or on that stupid piece of metal she drove. Or even in that crappy apartment.

It's not necessarily because I care. She's just some dumb half mortal with an ego just as big as her forehead. But I needed to keep her safe. It was some deep rooted instinct that was planted inside my headed by neither the angels or my father.

She still had her uses to me. Her soul for example, not completely good nor bad either. But it wasn't because she was like me and has devil like tendencies but never fully evil. Even I can admit that. There's no good part of me, just parts that understand when enough was enough, when to not drown myself in the pain of others for my own pleasure. Though I like to betray that piece of logic most times.

No hers was unlike that. Hers was void of one specific side because it's the closest thing to the raw energy of universe even the angels had ever seen. The universe- full of pain and pleasure, sorrow and happiness, good and bad as those terms go. It was the root of things.

But it's bright, consuming, it makes you want to like her, to want to be around her despite her big mouth, that stupid look she makes on her face when she gets defensive, or even the way she's much more aggressive than any pre-pubescent 12 year old boy I've ever encountered. I could smell her dumb human hormones from a mile away.

It's lures me in, like a prey to a hunter.

And if there's on thing that'll come from me that's really 100% honest, it's that I'm the fucking hunter. I'm the predator.

My realm will be better with her powers put to use, for whatever reason she exists, why she out of everyone is the person whose soul is the most actively heightened by some serious similarities to the root of everything, is still in questioning.

That's what Death was here for, and the Sins, they'd know more than I do on humans and soul creation, but for some reason any knowledge on history regarding prophetical and divine souls such as hers was blank. I'm sure the Archangels aren't telling the rest of them something.

I've known her birth was for something, it can't be entirely coincidental to have a soul so different than any of us and be paired up with me for all eternity, a bond I don't think either of us really want to feel. Stupid fucking universe.

I'll find out soon enough what those "God still loves you even though most of the heavenly population dislikes you for being Satans son" white winged bastards knew soon enough, as soon as I could force Artemis into helping me get through those gates in the upstairs.

Infiltrating Heaven might be a little harder than I plan, Death, and the Sins all think it's a terrible idea. Well except Greed, he was pretty interested in what it would feel like to steal a harp. Me personally, well, I've some business to take care of.

I stride down the cold, long hall. Getting some heating in this place was difficult. Considering how fucking expensive it was, you'd think once in a while it'd actually work.

I turn at the end of the now refurbished hall. Death didn't like the fact that I didn't care to decorate anything around here. I liked shit plain. Or at least I didn't care to change it. And for someone who collected souls for a living you wouldn't think he had such a taste for furniture.

I take a right, past the stolen painting of Mona Lisa, and at the two doors that opened to my office. I heard his voice before I could even smell his odor.

"TAKE ME DOWN FROM HERE THIS INSTANT!" His shrilly voice echoes across the castle.

I roll my eyes as I push the wooden doors open, pale light from the windows that wrapped around the right side of the large room making my eyes uncomfortable in their sockets as they adjust from dark to light.

Mammon is hanging upside down by rope, attached to one of the wooden bars lined against the edge of the upstairs loft area of my office.

His curls cover his pale face, thin arms swinging rapidly. As- well I wouldn't say children but as developing beings in the underworld- Mammon was the weakest link. He needed the most care. I'm the oldest. The fact that my father is a piece of shit was the last thing to tear me apart. But him, no for the longest time he spent begging my father in Tartarus to be some sort of tolerable for the universe. To be a father.

He couldn't face the fact that our sperm donor happened to create us after a careless night with some mortal, or whatever being our mothers were. And that the only thing he felt for us wasn't fatherly love, it was cold, hard, nothingness.

Satan feels for nobody but himself. Sure I'm a complete fucking asshole and I can admit that, but I'd never slaughter worlds of people for my own desires. There is a difference between being evil, and controlling the evil. That is how we separate as rulers.

At some point, we all came to realize that. That even with the help of some Angels to take care of us, we were still just the spawns of Satan. And one day, maybe we'd be like him too. But at least we wouldn't keep up with the illusion that he'd sacrifice anything for his dear kids.

And we are all the same as him. Deep down. So some "gift" the universe think will correct me will just be destroyed.

Back to the point, the only thing that got him to deserve his stance as Archdemon was the sole fact that he's smart. Very smart. And in a scenario where our warriors downstairs fight the ones upstairs, his tactical senses come into use.

I snort at his weak threat. "Oh yeah or what? Gonna tell on me or something?"

"Please. My daddy issues are long gone. You my dear eldest brother, are the FUCKING PROBLEM!"

Not to add his temper tantrums. What a dick. I've already got my designated soulmate who hates me because I kidnapped her for her powers and murdered her father (dumb reasoning right) on my plate, now a demon child with drug issues.

I smile knowingly. "Well it seems the village idiot has returned. Why don't you tell me why your really here and spare me the dumb ass "I miss my brother" excuse and tell me the truth, or..."


"Or I rip your head off and give it to my hellhounds for dinner. And this time I won't have Death resurrect you" I smile, my dark hair falling over my eyes. This was his third body.

He rolls his eyes and twists his lips into a scowl. "Fine, but you have to take me down-" I snap my fingers and the knot unravels, letting Mammon's body hit the hardwood floor with a thump.

His lips curl up in annoyance, "asshole" he growls.

"The very fucking finest, now speak" I command, my arms crossed as I stand feet from him.

He pushes himself off from the ground, head lowered as his arms swing by his side.

His lips open as they stretch over his teeth, a gold one glimmering in the light from the side. He tilts his face up look at me, and almost instantly I catch his slit pupils, his honest form beginning to show.

"Well, it started when I took acid with Greed and Eros in Rio De Janeiro in February"

Hey everyone! Hope everybody's staying safe out there. I understand it may be confusing as to what God's there are and aren't because i brought in Eros (Greek mythology) I'm integrating as much as I can in terms of religion and mythology. There are many gods resembling many different energies, Damian (Lucifer) in a sense is Hades (he carries many names). I'm using the idea of gods being in charge of things like the sea, or music, or travel because those things are universal. The god used to portray heaven isn't Zeus, but with that concept I lean more towards The Christian biblical representation. Then there's the universe which is just all around in power as a raw energy and not a personified figure. I hope I don't offend anyone's religion or beliefs, Love y'all!!

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