Chapter 18• This isnt Hogwarts

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-unedited, enjoy babes

I continue to mechanically move one leg after the other, trudging through the busy street, over minor pieces of trash and confetti.

We'd been walking for about an hour already, and the general lack of exercise in my life was certainly being bold, I was out of breath and my legs were burning from walking up steep sidewalks and streets. I was certainly more patient than Eros was.

Women and men danced and walked all around, some doing both at the same time. They'd all unknowingly parted a few feet around us as we kept walking. Most humans or mortals did, their primal senses told them that we were different and to keep away. Sometimes, just sometimes others liked to be close because we were different. A new age demon I know named Aroya flows through that particular crowd. She loves mortals. And they love her.

But nevertheless, creatures of the other worlds tend to stay within their own communities. Few are politicians, celebrities, writers, scientists. But for the larger part, we're like oil and water, we don't mix.

"You asshole we're supposed to be partaking in all the fun activities! You said the walk would be 15 MINUTES!" Eros yells at Greed, who confidently walks ahead of us, hands in his pockets.

"Jeez will ya stop whining. I said 15 minutes minimum, your fault for misinterpreting my statement" he seems relaxed as ever, not a care in the world. That's Greed for you, I've never met anyone much wilder than he is. Party animal of the century. Of course some sins and demons come close, but none to his exact level. That's why we keep a very close eye on him, Eros and I. He's like the baby of the trio, but even with that being said, he's got a soft spot, a calm center that's only brought to life by few. He's like hard candy, bitter and hard on the outside, but sorta chewy and sweet deep down. But of course, we all have those sides don't we? Our own light and dark sides of the moon.

"'Just admit you have no clue where we're going, and I'll forgive you Greed" he says, hiking up the steep road next to Greed who calmly and gracefully strides like it's nothing. I carefully trudge behind, watching the conversation unfold. Very entertaining. Watching Eros's temper rise was fun, and watching Greed provoke him more by merely being himself was even more funny.

We like to fuck with him. Essentially.

"Do you ever stop complaining Eros? You know what, I'm tuning you out, we'll be there soon" I watch as Greeds pupils dilate and go back to normal. He really did tune Eros out, a special ability he has.

Eros slows down and falls back to my side, a few feet behind Greed. "If I had my bow and arrow ohhhh that conversation would have gone soo different" I hear him mutter under his breath with venom on his tongue.

He's not wrong, that shit would be wild. The city would be in ruins had a fight between Eros and Greed broke out with their divine items. But we're all good friends, and a fight between us wouldn't be as enemies. At least I never hope it will.

"He's right Eros, you do need to relax, come on we're here on vacation" I grin as I sling my arm around his shoulder. He ponders my statement for a moment, before finally sighing and closing his eyes. "Yeah well, he's still annoying" he murmurs, now calm. I smile and nod, agreeing greatly. We're quiet for a few more moments until he speaks again, this time sweeter.

"You know I love you right?" He asks, looking up at me to smile, green eyes locking onto my blue ones. "Yes, bitch, and I love you" I reply. And as a beautiful chaos ensued all around us, I found peace in the fact that I was utterly in love with Eros.

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