Chapter 7• Some people just want to watch the world burn

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"I'm. Waiting"

"Well you see here, Artemis, I don't know where to-oh!-start" he said, backing up and dodging the things I threw at him.

I chucked a shoe. "How bout...I dunno, the beginning" I said sarcastically, as Gabriel weaves effortlessly between my assaults.

Damnit he's fast.

"Well...Alright! Just please put baby Jesus down!" He pleaded, his red hair ruffled. I looked at the baby Jesus I'd picked up from the closet skeptically, before placing it down.

"Good, now, take a deep breath" he said calmly, as he guided me to sit across from him on the bed.

"Innnnnn and outttttt" he sighed, holding onto my shoulders. I did as he said, and begun to feel my hostility disperse within me.

"Better?" He said, his pale skin glowing in the faint light like a halo surrounded him. Who knows, maybe one did?

"Yes" I said, feeling a calmness wash over my body like a cool breeze.

"Now, begin" I said.

He sighed, "How much do you know already?" He asked, leaning back slightly.

"My dad is Archangel Michael, you're Archangel Gabriel, I think Nina and Havana are witches, and the Devil thinks he has some sort of sick claim over me. Oh! And everyone except me has known this whole time" I exclaimed, a sick smile on my face.

"Let me fill you in-"


"Ha, right. Well, mortals have sort of got the basics down. There is a God, and as you know, there is a Devil, well I wouldn't say Devil. Lord of the underworld is fitting well, two-"

"There are two rulers of the underworld ?" I asked, my eyebrow raised.

"Yes, technically. Hush, let me speak. I won't be able to get it all out with you interrupting. Satan isn't his name, but it's what the humans named him. It's easier for us to go by the names humans most commonly reference us by. Like me, to the generic population of let's say, America I'm referenced as Archangel Gabriel. But that's not my true name, older religions call me something different. There's a bit of truth in every little ideaology, but one itself is not completely spot on. There are hundreds of different energies, therefore many different physical representatives for that energy. 

 -Anyway, in the beginning of human-kind, Satan, Lucifer's father, got jealous and betrayed the God of the heavens, as you know. Satan led a rebellion against my master and lord with Fallen Angels, and after a few thousand years, he lost and was imprisoned in askvedae, but I guess it would be similar to Tartarus, a prison in the realm of hell made especially for him.

Now God, alongside his council of Archangels and other universal energies had a decision to make. Satan was imprisoned, yes, but the dark energy he released unto the world was still there, and rampant on its own. They needed something to control and rule over it, the Fallen, and the actual realm itself. What better person than one of his sons" Gabriel said, his eyes peering into mine.

"Whoah" I murmured in shock. So most of what we thought wasn't entirely factual, I had to assume this accounting for what I had seen so far.

"Anyway, Lucifer has his own council, like the God of the Heavens. It includes the Reaper Death, and all Seven Sins. It's been like that since. He's a crazy bastard, but he does his job" he says, taking a look at the bruises on my arm from Lucifer's grip.

"And my dad?" I asked, as his face drifted back to my memory. "And my mom? None of it makes sense" I continued.

"Ah yes. Besides Angels and Demons, it is very safe to say we aren't the only supernatural creatures in the air. That thing that attacked you the other day? That is one of the demons under Satans control. Original Fallens that still carry out his demonic desires. They still run rampant on earth, which is one of the reasons your father was down here to begin with..."

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