Chapter 11• Breakfeast with Death

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A coldness zigzags down my spine. The air in the room gets significantly icier, and the heat dissipates in a matter of seconds.

"What- where am I? who are you?" I call out, looking hard and trying to find the owner of the voice. I glance at each shadow in each corner of the room, before one steps out and I find a man in my sight.

He's exceptionally tall and lean, not quite muscular but not lanky either. A pair of dark pants and a baggy hoody cover each inch of his body, his face is missing, completely black under the hood and I know immediately who he is.

The Grimm Reaper.

I freeze up and immediately pull the silky covers closer to my body.

"You can call me Death, The Reaper is kind of my professional title"

"Oh my god" I murmur incredulously. He lets out a slight laugh, his voice isn't as scary regardless of the fact that he's the collector of souls. He stand just a few feet away from the large bed, hands in his pockets.

"Lucifer is a bit busy at the moment-" I interrupt him quickly.

"Where am I?" I can't see his face but I can tell he's a bit taken back by my hostility. "Well not in Hell thats for sure, we currently reside in one of Lucifer's estates in Europe" he states, his head- or whatever is on his shoulders- turns to the balcony.

Outside I can see the sun beginning to rise over the dark, snowy mountain peaks. I want to faint at the sight. Europe, Europe! In any other circumstance I would be delighted, but not now. "Where is he?" I ask as I try and hop up, clutching onto my leg.

"Ah yes, that's what he wanted me to help you with" he sighs, before Death strides over to the side of the bed. He doesn't seem dangerous, if Lucifer let him around me surely that had to be the case. Or am I having to much faith in his intentions regarding me?

He crouches down and runs a cold finger, skin the color of chestnut, down my foot. "Heard you put up a good fight last night, it's Artemis right?" he seems to muse. I don't comment, only nod and stare down at the finger laying on my ankle. I keep rigid expecting pain.

Suddenly, a blast of tingles runs up and down my ankle, and all soreness and pain in not only my ankle, but my body leaves. It leaves me speechless.

"H-how can you...?"

"Sort of an art I'm trying to master. Quite interesting, yes?" I nod my head rapidly.

I stand instantly, a bit wobbly but I can stand and that's the important thing. I step across the cold, dark floor and out onto the stone balcony. A cold breeze makes my dark curls drift across my skin, the yellow sun lingers on the green and white peaks, a beautiful sight, it nearly stole me away from my dreaded reality for a moment.

"I want to go home to my family" I say, clutching on the stone railing. And again I reprimand myself for being so easily fooled by an Original. Are they looking? Do they even know where I could be. I'm in a whole other continent.

And Erebus, as far as I'm concerned Lucifer wouldn't take my Familiar to spare my feelings. He must be with Havana and Nina.

"That's something you'll have to take up with him dear. But I'm sure you already know the answer. Now, I've had some clothes brought over, a shower would probably do you good" he brings me back inside and closes the glass doors, moving the drapes.

"I'll be down the steps and down the hall on the left waiting with breakfast when you've finished. Also, I wouldn't try to escape. For many details I care not to address, this place is a fortress" and like that he leaves just as quickly as he came.

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