Chapter 8• Erebus

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I have no clue how long I have. None of us do, it's the way he works. I never know if Lucifer is going to pop out of the closet or the shower.

All I know, is that I am absolutely terrified. It's only been a week, and there is only so many churches one can burn down. I've heard Nina (who I have yet to fully acknowledge) and Mike talk about sending me to the Vatican.

Gabriel hovers over me all day long, he doesn't sleep, he doesn't need to. I can see the jumpiness in his eyes, the underlining fear in his eyes of wood brown. If one of the Archangels fears him, then imagine how I feel.

I do nothing all day, just hide. Havana tells me that she's moved all of my stuff out of my ratty apartment my behalf. All of this drastic change. It makes me wonder how much I've been held out on. My entire life a lie.

I didn't think about my mom, I guess now it makes sense why she was so fucked up. Not that it was an excuse. But still, it hurt too much to think about.

I was informed that Lucifer can only enter churches for a set amount of time if the right spell is performed, for so long of course. The pure energy of the whole church establishments cover my energy so that he can't track me. But even I knew that I only had so long.

But there was a more present and persistent enemy that kept catching up with me. Boredom.

I had nothing to do expect go over the entire situation 100x over and try and occupy myself. Today's mission was to try and recollect these abilities that lay dormant inside of me.

I'd googled enough and listened to Gabriel who was now trying to guide me long enough. My father, a strange word, was angel of healing and defense. He acquired abilities like force fields, healing, and a sharp knowledge of combat I'd have to develop on my own.

Still, Mike informed me that there was so much energy in me, that I could dispose of it physically. Specifically, making things move with my mind and using streams of energy to defend myself. To some, this might be exciting. But to me, it was anything but.

I sighed in frustration, "We've been at this for so long already"

"It's been 10 minutes Artemis. Now focus! Remember, energy is everywhere in the air. Imagine it as if it were water, you swipe your hands through and it splashes. If you focus hard enough you can feel a buzz in your hands" I could tell he was annoyed too.

I roll my eyes, "The only buzz I'm feeling is from the communion wine."

"What did you say?"

"Nothing" I say. He leans his head into his hands, strands of red falling against his pale face. "Listen, try one more time. If you can't do it, then we can stop for now" he says.

I look at him and immediately feel bad, he's just trying to help and I'm not making it any easier. I nod my head and open up my palms.

I didn't know what exactly I was looking to happen. But energy was everywhere around me, collecting like invisible dust on my fingertips, like water.

I could feel it now, the buzz. It was a slight tingle in my hands, spreading to my wrists and to my elbows.

"Good, now push that out" Gabe commanded. I imagined it as a shield, I could push it out and melt it to make whatever I wanted to been really bend.

I did just that.

It started as small sparks in the air, but the light began to circle in my hand like coy fish, merging into a small purplish orb in my palm.

My eyes were wide, my mouth agape. "Do you see this?" I asked, just to make sure I wasn't dreaming.

Gabe had the largest smile on his face. "Yeah, now focus on holding it and moving it" I tried to follow his instructions, but seconds later it disappeared.

"Or...that's alright as well. Energy manipulation is not easy, only few have the capability of such an ability" he says.

I only felt dissatisfied for a moment, but the feeling had taken me in, I was absorbed.

The feeling was unreal. It was like attaining a new sense, something so much larger than me. I look up and smile at Gabe, "That's a start huh?" I ask.

He smiles, but before I can speak the door flies open. "Artemis, I understand you're angry for me holding all this information. But you need to listen to me!" Nina yells.

My mood instantly plummets and I sigh in defeat. I sort of feel bad, I'm the only thing she has left of her sister and I'm completely avoiding her. "I know you hate me-"

"I don't hate you Nina, I'm just confused as to why you wouldn't tell me" I say. Gabe looks between us as we continue. "I know I know" she begins as she rushes over to sit on the bed, cupping my hands in her cold ones.

"-But you have to understand I was so convinced that this life killed your father and mother, I didn't want you to hold the same fate. Havana and I don't have a choice, we're witches, but you didn't show any signs of having abilities or any knowledge of your background. Plus I wanted and still want that man no where near you-" I stop her rant.

"I get it tía you were trying to help me. I forgive you on the deal that you don't hold anymore information from me and you all tell me everything" I say, looking to Gabe.

"What do you mean?" He frowns.

"About anything I want to know. This is about me too and I don't want to be kept in the dark" they both look at each other and nod. "Good, it'll make everything a lot easier" I say.

Gabe then smiles, "She did it Nina" he looks at my aunt. She frowns, "Did what?"

I then smile as I raise my hands once more to demonstrate my newfound talent.

I was never more restless than right now.

I didn't know why, I barely slept last night so I should be able to sleep tonight. But I can't, I don't know why, it's like every time I get cozy and begin to drift on. It starts to hurt.

My palm, where the marks were, it begins to throb and pulse. I sigh tiredly and sit up, checking the time, 2:55 am.

I was satisfied for the most part, scared but satisfied. I knew as much as everyone else did so there was nothing to sit and wonder about. But still, I just couldn't sleep.

A strange pecking begins, and I frown, looking around to see where the noise was coming from. The room is dark for the most part, so I turn on my lamp to see a dark shadow at the window.

I frown and get closer, to see what it was.

The crow, my familiar.

My eyes widen and I instantly open the window. "Hey birdie" I smile as it waddles towards me, flapping its wings to hop onto my arm. A gush of warm air blows from outside as I continue.

It's golden eyes seem to narrow at me, "What you don't like birdie?" I ask. It gives a caw. "Alright alright, how bout fluffy?"






"That is a bit um...strange considering everything huh. Okay how about...."


"Yes one moment, let me think...Erebus!" I exclaim. Erebus, it was the name of a Greek primordial deity of darkness. It seemed fitting.

"Caw Caw" I took it as a yes. I hear a small cry from the street moments later and I snap my head up to see a small child in the middle of the dark road.

Erebus begins to Caw warningly and I look down debating before back at the child crying for help. "Watch after me then" I say as I hop out the window and run into the night to satiate the urge to help.

I wish I hadn't.

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