Chapter 10• Taken

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Lucifers footsteps are agonizingly slow, I look to the side to see his black boots emerging from the shadows, a long scythe in his hand.

The demons eyes widen and he scrambles from on top of my body, backing up in fear. He was literally shaking.

Lucifer stands above me and looks down at me in anger. "You just couldn't keep yourself out of the grip of a Fallen 10x stronger than you" he grits out as he takes a look at my foot. Even through the pain I can find myself both annoyed and attracted to him.

"O-oh, you're concerned? What happened to the show you put on during my birthday? With the whole "I'll give you 15 seconds"" I try and mimic his deep voice. I can see the Fallen glance between us in confusion as we argue.

"Honey, that's different. I can mess around with you, he or anyone else for the matter, can not" he growls as he picks me up and slings me over his shoulder. We walk past Erebus, and I'm about to tell him to pick my bird up when the crows body glows a deep red, and he begins to float alongside us.

That was new.

Lucifer sets us down against a tree, and I see that his eyes are a bright burning green, the tattoos under his eye and eyebrow barely visible in the dark.

"Look away Artemis." He instructs. I take it that it's in my best interest to do so. I stare to the side at a tree, hoping Nina would wake up. I cradle Erebus, as he begins to heal back.

"I borrowed this scythe from a good friend of
mine, Y'know? Death, the Reaper. Anyway, his scythe here just loves the blood of fallen. And it's appetite has been worked up" Lucifer says, when I can hear the Fallen begin to beg for his life.

I can hear a slicing sound, followed by a a loud thud. "Ad quos eieci quod anima vestra" his rough voices emerges from the thick silence, a deep red light flashes, and I quickly shut my eyes as wind begins to stir.

Everything suddenly goes back to normal.

I open my eyes to see Lucifer twirling the scythe of Death himself, before spinning back around. I take a good look at him, the few tattoos on his face are prominent, even in the dark.

The ones on his body glow a red like last time, beginning to dull back to a black. His smokey hair is in its messy fashion on his head, strands falling into his golden brown eyes, the color of amber.

His stance was perilous. I was afraid to utter a word. He did for me.

"Gotcha now babe" he flashes a grin, his eyes zeroed in on me. He strides over and I back against the tree. "You get away!" I yell, picking up a branch.

He laugh heartily, "Lets face facts here darling. You can't fight me, you held your own against that piece of shit. But me, baby, I'm on a whole other level" he reaches me and swipes the branch, throwing it.

Erebus screeches at him. "You're pretty cocky" I state obviously. Erebus makes a move to scratch at Lucifer, but I quickly stop my bird

"Go wake Nina up" I whisper, Lucifer makes no move to stop him.

"We'll be long gone by then. But a pat for effort, really you deserve it" he smirks as he leans over, throwing me over his shoulder. I wince. "Let me go!" I scream.

"Uh, you mind not screaming into my eardrums" he growls. "It hurts" I whimper, pain from him shifting pulsing in my twisted in ankle. "We'll get that taken care of soon" I can hear the screaming of Nina and Havana from the dark.

"Nina-!" He swings me over to hold me with his hands behind my back and his other arm under my knees. "You better hold on, unless you wanna get hurt" he leaves me no room to speak as black wings sprout from his back, ripping the material of his dark shirt. Once again, his tattoos are glowing a deep red.

My heart drops into my stomach when he crouches, before springing up into the air with force. I gasp, instantly tightening my hold and pressing my face into his warm neck.

I can feel the rumble in his chest.

"I-I, Lucifer please..." I whimper, my chest feeling heavy as panic enters me. We were high in the sky, the church about 80 feet below us. Cool air whooshed around us with the movement of his ebony wings moving from and to.

"What?" He asks.

Before I can explain, a bright light catches my attention from below. Shakily, I turn my head down to see Gabriel's bright, white and gold wings sprouting from his body. "Hold on tight honey" he lurches forwards, mumbling a few things.

His wings move urgently, making us wave through the dark and cold sky with speed and precision. It's exhilarating, but absolutely terrifying. Like we were racing time itself.

"Lucifer! Put her down!" Gabriel yells from behind as he chases us. I debate against yelling back to him. I had to face facts. Lucifer was much faster, I'd probably be stuck with him. And yelling back would result in some punishment, surely.

But I can see the look in Gabriel's rich brown eyes. He knows it too.

'I'm sorry' he mouths, and I frown, a small tear escaping my right eye, when suddenly we pass through a strange field. A thin white ring passes around us, and with that, it takes my consciousness with it.

I roll over on a soft cushion, silently stretching my limbs as a soft sigh escapes my mouth. These church beds are exceptionally comfortable this morning.

I keep my eyes closed and body still a few moments longer, before I snap up as my memory comes back. The silk blankets slip around my body, I look around alertedly before leaping off of the large, dark bed.

Everything in here is dark. The pillows, the blankets, the canopy and decor, even the ground.

It's all old looking, yet rich in style. Some accents of of a deep blue are in the drapes handing over the wide glass doors, opening up to a stone balcony.

It's a four poster bed, with curtains draped low on all sides. The only light in the room is the pale streak that slipped through the curtain and into the room.

I try to leap off the bed, until an echo of pain runs up my leg from my ankle and I let my body flop down, holding my hand over my mouth as my eyes sting with tears dying to fall.

I lift the silk from my body, greeted with a bruised and battered body. It was painful, but no longer broken.

But more importantly, where in the hell is Lucifer. Maybe in hell, I would hope.

If only I could run out of this place. If only I wasn't so naïve. I could be back at the church right now, safe, with Erebus, with my family.

But no.

I'm an idiot. A stupid, stupid girl with no sense.

My ankle throbs, and I lay rigid, hoping for the pain up decrease silently. Where could he be? Probably thinking of ways to mutilate my body. He's probably into that. Oh yeah, definitely into that.

I can't help but notice my parched throat, and my stomach felt like it was eating itself. Strange, last night before being kidnapped I nearly ate the entire fridge.

I debate against calling out to him, but the minute I'm about to scream his name his door opens rather quickly.

"He's rather agitated at the moment dear, I wouldn't start screaming his name" a low voice echoes across the room, and I have to look extra hard to tell the man apart from the shadows in the room.

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