Chapter 9• Artemis Vs Demon

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I ran quickly down the cool pavement, the cool air brushing and whipping around my skin. Erebus flocks overhead as I quickly reach the crying toddler. She's wearing a pair of rain boots and yellow coat, her wild blonde hair sticking to her face with tears.

I quickly reach her and pull her into my arms, moving into the sidewalk even though there were no cars. Who was she? but more importantly, what was she doing out here?

"Honey, are you okay? where are your parents?" I asks he she sits on my hip. She sniffs, about to speak when Erebus caws and screeches. "Shh! come on, Ill take you into that church over there and we can find out where you live" I say as I put her down and begin to pull her towards the line of grass. If I was out  here too long Lucifer could find me.

She hisses and jumps back, I frown and look back at her. "Whats wrong? are you hurt?" I ask.

"I-I rememba where my pawents awe" she mumbles. "Where?" I ask, looking around as a chill runs up my spine, Erebus cawing again from above.

"In HELL!" my eyes widen as hers grow wide and black, her little mouth contorting in a wde grin, long and sharp teeth sticking out. "Oh hell no!" I yell as I swing my foot to kick her body, she flies backwards with force into the street. Her body hits the ground like a rag doll, and a disturbing giggle comes from her mouth.

I frown, watching as my heart pumps quickly. It was surprising though, in the absence of fear was anticipation. Her small body begins to contort into a long, slender one, sickening cracks beginning to tale up the silence. Erebus flocks to my shoulder, and I quickly look back. The church was too far away, they wouldn't hear me scream for help and I doubt they'd hear the fight about to ensue. I wouldn't be able to run and make it either, that was a death trap.

No one would, the church was a bout a mile away from any houses, closer to the ocean. I gulp, "Think we can take him on?" I ask Erebus on my shoulder, he lightly pecks my arm twice. I take it as a pat of encouragement.

A low growls emits from the demons mouth, an original fallen, he had to be.

He's pale, his skin a sickening white, numerous scratches on his thin body. He's tall too, around 6 foot. Wide black eyes and a mouth that stretched from ear to ear took up his face. His lips were blood red, possibly from actual blood. His fingernails were long and sharp, basically claws that could shred me up into tiny bits.

"You're kind of awful to look at" I state bluntly, hoping it would cover up the fact that I was a nervous mess. He giggles, his voice scratchy as if he had been smoking since he was born. "Wish I could say the same bout you. Now I see what my brothers have been in stir bout, you do smell good" he grins.

I bite on my cheek as I allow my hands to unclench, tingles erupting in my arm as I feel the energy collect in my palm. "I see you can do that too. In the great battle of the Heavenly Host and us Fallen, I saw him very briefly in battle. It was amazing. Now, lets see if you can do the same" He gives me no room to reply as he swipes at me with his claws.

I quickly dodge, and slide under the gap between his legs. Focus, Focus, and boom-

I push the orb out, allowing it to make a small blast into his back and push him forward a few feet. I'm instantly out of breath, and quickly step to the side to jab a stick into his side. He growls in annoyance as I circle his body, unable to react fast enough, he swipes at my arm  and slices the tender skin.

I hiss and ram into him. He laughs, "even for a half mortal you've got some fight in you"

I pay his words no mind as I try and figure out a plan, he quickly bends backwards and moves towards me on all fours. The sight is absolutely terrifying. I yelp and move out of the way, allowing the energy to regenerate in my palm, but it just extinguishes again.

He giggles as he bends back up like nothing, "Fancy trick" he says, running towards me with extended hands. I scan for anything I can use as a weapon while Erebus swoops down to peck at the fallen. The Demons hand raises and hits Erebus. My eyes widen as he falls to the side.

"That's my familiar you asshole!" I scream as I raise my hands, before spotting a discarded metal bar a next to the storm drain. I run to grab it as he bolts at me, I beat him by a few seconds and am able to swing it at his stomach as he reaches me, then his face. He collapses to the ground, and I hold my palms tight to maintain my form.

I hear another noise and look to the side to see Erebus raising his wings, his body seems to size up, as his beak grows into a sharp weapon and blades stick out of his alula. He glides towards the collapsed monster, swiping at his face and slicing it open with the blade in his wing.

I hit him repeatedly with the bar, watching as his body jumps with each forceful swing. Erebus shrinks back down. I stop and close the distance between the body and I, holding onto my bleeding arm. "Better be dead" I cough, as I know that another round would be as taxing as this. But this was barely a fight. It was almost too easy.

My eyes widen in realization and I step back quickly, not before the Fallens hand shoots out and grabs my ankle. Another giggle emits from his thin chest as he stands up, taking my ankle with him as he holds me upside down.

The grin has yet to leave his face, Erebus shrieks from above me, hurling towards him. "Don't" I command, and luckily enough he obeys. The last thing I need is getting my bird killed.

"What is it you want?" I ask. His grip tightens, "What else would a demon from hell want, your soul" He laughs.

"But not all are like that" I state, holding my shirt from falling. He sighs, "No. Unlike us Fallen, Lucifer's modern demons are raised to torture and put away bad souls. That's it. So boring" he shivers as the thought repulses him.

My heart begins to pump at the realization that this very well could be my death day. Still, I refused to give him the satisfaction of seeing my fear.

"Then hurry up and do it" I sneer. If possible, his eyes darken at my lack of visible fear. My eyes widen as suddenly, with only one hand, he snaps my ankle.

A whimper let's from my chest, as tears fall from my face and onto the pavement. He drops me onto the street, and I hit the pavement with pain. It feels like my leg is burning from the inside, and the fire slowly spreads and spreads.

Still, I refuse to scream, and the dissatisfaction on his face is clear. I can hear strangled noises beside me, and I turn to see Erebus on the ground too, his ankle in an unnatural position. I cry at the sight of his suffering. We're tethered. Physically.

"Well, I guess you were a challenge. But that soul of yours is very promising" before he can steal my life force, his grin drops.

I'm taking deep breaths, when the air gets hot. It feels like the middle of a summer night. "W-What..." I murmur, when I hear an unmistakable voice.

"You wouldn't be touching what's mine would you?"

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