e i g h t

12 1 0

October 31st, 2014

"AND THAT'S HOW IT'S DONE!" says a very obviously drunk Georgia, as she manages to get her ping pong ball into the last full cup of cheap beer.

"Shit, George," Noah yells over the obnoxious music playing in the next room, "I really thought Hannah and I were gonna win that one."

I feel a long arm drape around my shoulders, and a gentle pull towards a hard chest, "never underestimate a drunk Georgia," Aiden says as he sweetly drops his forehead on top of my head, and inhales a breath. He's always said that he likes the smell of my hair.

I let out a girly giggle, at both Aiden's remark and his sweet gestures.

Aiden pulls me closer to him, and I don't decline, I loved being near him.

"Please stop with the shameless PDA, you guys," says Georgia, "you're making us all jealous of your incredibly perfect relationship."

I giggle once again, the beer somewhat influencing my girly reactions. But even without the beer, I couldn't help myself. Everything was perfect right now. Aiden was my boyfriend, and I was his girlfriend. It seemed that finally everything was working out for me.

For a long time after Aiden and I's first kiss, we had decided to be just friends. About a week or so after our make out, he had told me that he did indeed remember everything. He explained that he wanted to act like it never happened, but he couldn't- and that we needed to talk about it.

During the summer, we both experienced our share of tears, long sleepless nights, drunken make outs and confessions, before we finally realized that we couldn't just be friends anymore. And so we became a couple.

It took us a few weeks to finally come out to our friends and tell them our situation, it was especially hard to tell Georgia; considering I had been lying to her about Aiden for the entire summer.

"So let me get this straight," said a very confused Hannah, "you both have secretly been having a 'friends with benefits' situation, and never told any of us about it?!"

Aiden sheepishly nodded, as redness reached his cheeks, "not friends with benefits Hannah, we're really together, Kennedy's my-" he turned to look at me quickly, silently becoming reassured by my soft, encouraging smile, "girlfriend," he finished with a grin, "Kennedy Summers is my girlfriend," he repeats, practicing the correlation on his tongue.

Noah grins, "Congrats guys," he says as he slaps Aiden's shoulder, "don't hurt her man, or else I'll have to beat the shit out of you."

I roll my eyes, could we skip the brotherly threats please?

"I wouldn't dream of it," Aiden says, he's looking down at me, "I couldn't be happier."

I bite my lip to hide my uncontrollable grin.

Shit, I was a goner.

I cast a quick glance to Georgia, wondering why she was being so quiet.

"Georgia?" I ask, nerves lacing my quiet voice.

Her mouth is agape, as she stares aimlessly at the two of us. She stutters incoherently as if debating how to say the words she was thinking. I prepared myself for the blow.

It never came.

"I KNEW IT! I FUCKING KNEW IT!" her sudden outburst caused both Aiden and I to jump and widen our eyes in confusion.

"You knew?" Aiden finally says, studying her face carefully.

"Come on Clark, it was so obvious that you were in love with her," she raises and eyebrow.

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