33. Dinner

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She was here, staring at me from across the way, as I stood in between Christian and Elliot; avoiding eye contact with her at all cost

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She was here, staring at me from across the way, as I stood in between Christian and Elliot; avoiding eye contact with her at all cost. Whenever I looked at her, I got terrible flashbacks of what happened on Christmas, and the anger just spreads through my body like wildfire. Though I'm over the entire situation, I just can't get over the fact that my own flesh and bloods did me so damn dirty! Kelis I can understand, because we never really got along, but Desiree? I was blindsided by that betrayal.

"Are you alright?" Christian asked, whispering in my ear. He must've noticed how tense I was, seeing as how he's been trying to touch me for the last ten minutes, but I've been blowing him off. Hell, as far as I was concerned, if I can't touch him then he can't touch me. Is that childish? Probably so, but I was in a terrible mood and it showed.

"Yeah, I'm fine babe. Why?" I questioned, looking up at him.

"You know...you don't have to put on brace facade for me. You know that right?" I nodded my head, crossing my arms. "Do you want to leave? Taylor and Wes are on standby and will take us wherever you want to go." I thought about that tempting offer, wanting to get in the car and drive far away as possible, but what would that solve? Things between me and my sister will still be tense, I'll still be in the dark about who set my building on fire, and Christian still wouldn't let me touch him without tensing up and grabbing my wrist. Therefore, I can get through an uncomfortable dinner, compared to what I've been going through.

"Auntie Destiny!" My nephew MJ shrieked, running over towards me, as I kneeled down and hugged him tight.

"Hi there, handsome! How are you?" I asked him.

"I'm good! I've missed you so much!"

"You have? Well isn't that a coincidence, because I've missed you more!"

"Nu-uh!" He said.

"Yes huh, and guess what else? I got you a present, but you can't get it until tomorrow." I said, knowing damn well that I was lying. At least I bought myself some time, so I could get him something, along with my other niece and nephew.

"Aww man! What'd you get me?"

"I can't tell you because it's a surprise, but out of curiosity...what do you think it is?"

"An iPad? Or a uh...uh...go-kart? Nooooo, a PlayStation Pro?" He rambled, as I made a mental note to talk to his dad about these particular gifts. A go-kart was definitely a no go, but I could get him an iPad or a PlayStation.

"Those are good answers, but you're just going to have to wait and see." I said, as I stood back up. He nodded and hugged me again, before running off towards Desiree and her husband. Soon enough, they were making their way towards me, as I closed my eyes and said a silent prayer. This could go one or two ways...good, cordial conversation or bad, petty conversation. Either way...the choice was entirely up to Desiree.

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