Chapter 8

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"The fuck you mean y'all found him in a alley!?" I yelled. The police had called me earlier to give me an update on EJ. It turned out to not be a good one.

"Calm down. Well explain everything." He said. I hate how police men, and paramedics try and speak to a grieving person like everything is ok. NOTHING IS OK! The person's loved one is potentially do you expect someone to calm down? No one wants bad news, that'll leave them scared forever.

"I am not going to calm down!" I screamed at him."Just tell me what happened."

"Well, a colleague of mine went to patrol an area, and ended up finding a body, which she believes is EJ. There was a stab wound found on him. Right now he's in the morgue."

I wiped my face. Everything is just so overwhelming.

He said that Me, and well as Roc, would have to go and view the body to see if it was EJ or not.

I walked out, and grabbed Roc.

"C'mon." I said."We gotta go see this body."

"What body?" He asked.

"They think they found EJ. So we gotta go she if it's him."

"Is it dead?" He asked.

"Duh Roc! Why the fuck you think we gotta go view it? Stop asking questions, and let's go. Damn."

The officer offered to give us a ride. The whole thing was depressing. Every negative thing that could possibly happen, was going through my mind.

What if it's him?

We walked in. There were a lot of people there......surprisingly.

Strong cries, people praying, and people explaining to their kids how their whoever they lost is going to take a nap, and come back.

Which I hate.

Kids are very smart. I hate when people lead children on about death. Because when that child gets about 8, there going to say "Where's Grandma? When is she waking up." The parent is going to know what to say. And they're going to be so shocked to know that the child never forgot.

We took an elevator to the basement. Roc tightly held my hand when the door opened.

"Ok." The mortician stated. "We got the body in yesterday. And it's proved to be a day and a half corpse."

She pulled a table out of a dark spot.

"Oh my god." I muttered. Roc pulled me into his arms, and whispered in my ear "Its gonna be ok."

She pulled the table to the middle of the floor.

It's right there.

The body is literally in our faces.

"Before she pulls the sheet back, are you guys ok?" The officer asked

"Um..I'm fine, but Taylen might not be."

She pulled the sheet back.





"ITS HIM!" I yelled. I turned quickly, and buried my face in Roc's chest. It was a spitting image.

And to think I had some hope of him being alive.

"Calm down." Roc said.

"Don't say that." I cried.

"Taylen calm down because it's not him!"

"I know it's not." He mumbled.

He must've forgotten how close I was to him.

I heard that.

What does he mean though?

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