Title your Story Part

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Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been writing all that much recently. Just wanted to say thanks to everyone who's been keeping up!

I was rereading the story and I noticed a lot of spelling errors, so I corrected many and rewrote chapter three. Sorry for changing the storyline while many people have already read it, but I feel I makes the story better. I wrote that when I heard bubbline was canon so that would mean Gumlee is too, so I tried to follow that while writing it but I realized it was a stupid idea and there was already enough conflict going on and I didn't need to add on more.The chapters are also very short, and I apologize for that and I've been slowly making them longer now. The chapter I'm currently working on is much longer and the size will progress In the future. If you don't like the story so far I would just like to add in my opinion I think I develop a better Idea for the storyline and I think it gets better.

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