Chapter 9

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He walk towards me and kisses me. I'm too shocked to do anything, so I just stand there an awkwardly kiss back. When he lets go of me he looks me in the eyes then walks away, leaving me standing alone outside the castle. I look around. My heart sinks to the bottom of my chest when I see the candy citizens have gathered around me in a circle. I didn't even think about them until now. I can't see marshall anywhere. Some are shielding their children's eyes, and others walk away mumbling things I am unable to hear. A few even give me dirty looks. My checks turn a dark pink. I cinnamon bun women is the only one who doesn't look mad or unhappy. She just stands there and looks at me with a great smile on her face.

Marshall's POV:

How did I not notice the candy people? What was I thinking? I don't even love him, really. I just felt vulnerable I guess. I needed love. But that was no excuse to go on kissing prince gumball! What was going through my head? I hate myself! Now I'm going to cause myself more problems and gumball won't be too happy about this either.

After a few minutes more of flying I finally get back to the cave. I fly upstairs and lock myself in the closet. I sit myself down next to my axe bass. I hold tit then begin to cradle it. Is this what my life has come too?

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