Chapter 2 -- Don't do anything

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Author's note: hey guys! Thanks for voting. Glad to see familiar names and that you are all still invested in the story. Continue reading and hope you love this chapter. : )

Chapter 2

I walked into my father's study like it belonged to a stranger and there he was seated on my father's chair like he owned it. Since it was dark and the only light was coming from the desk lamp, I could only see the side of his face and it was the one with the scar on his brow. I saw that the scar was longer than I had first thought, reaching past his brow down to his eyelash in a white nearly invisible thin line.

"You wanted to see me?" I was tensed and a little afraid of this man. There was something about him, something sinister. I suppose this type of feeling would be typical of veterans but I just could not be comfortable around him.

"Like I said," his voice was deep and throaty and strong, "I have a lot I want to ask you. Since we are going to be family now, why don't you seat down and relax. We are going to be honest with each other from now on."

This didn't feel like a situation I could relax in but I sat down respectfully and didn't try to correct him.

"So I heard you were in the engineering department," he said and I nodded, "it is rare to have this kind of people come out of that department."

I wanted to remain silent but he was waiting so I asked, "what kind of people."

"Fags, pussies who can't even be called men anymore because they love to take it up the asshole."

His words were dark and twisted and I sensed slithering hatred for gay people as dark as the darkest night sky.

"That man who came to the wedding, he is one of those things isn't he?"

P'Arthit and I never labeled ourselves as gay. I have never been attracted to another man and neither has P'Arthit and in truth I find women attractive, I just can't get enough of P'Arthit. I needed him and he is the only one I will ever feel this way about. It was that simple to me but others, like this homophobic barbarian of a man, would never understand.

"I don't think that is any of your business," I said. I was letting him talk to me this way but I didn't intend to be bullied.

"hm," I don't know if I could call what he was doing smiling, his face was twisted like a grimace, "I'm glad you can talk to me this way, that way I can make this conversation go faster. I don't really care what that fagot wants to do with his life. He is not important to me. My only concern is you and my daughter. You were going to get married and he disturbed it, I want to be sure that he is the only one with that idea."

I understood what he was asking and opened my mouth but he wasn't finish, "because the son of my best friend cannot be a fag."

"If I am?" I asked.

"Then I won't have to say much anymore. "He linked his fingers. "That man will have to answer for it."

My heart skipped and I took in a breath. "What do you mean? Are you threatening P'Arthit?"

"I don't have the patience to threaten anyone," he said. "But I don't want you to be the reason something bad happens to him. If you tell me now, in this moment, that you are gay, a homosexual, I won't do anything to you. I will take my daughter and we will leave and that is because I respect my best friend and it is not his fault, but as for the one responsible for pushing you astray, they would have to be punished."

He waited like he wanted my input but I was too shocked, too appalled by his blatant threats.

"So I ask again, are you gay?"

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