Chapter 17

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Author's Note: hey guys! Here is a chapter. I am thankful for all of you who have stayed with me till this far. I have loved and felt saddened by a lot of comments but I hope that will all change at the end of the story. Thank you all so much for voting and please keep voting till the end. Love you guys so much. : )

Chapter 17

I walked into the house feeling completely like I a stranger in my own body. I don't know what got into me, whether it was desperation or distress. Either way, I shouldn't have punched Kongpob like that. I certainly wasn't thinking that I should punch him. I just wasn't thinking at all.

When I spotted Pete at the balcony window looking none too remorseful that he had obviously been watching Kongpob and I, I exploded in anger.

"Why did you do that, Pete?" I railed.

"You saw why."

"I told you that I don't want to do that to Kongpob, I don't want TO hurt him like that so why, without my permission, did you kiss me like that. "

"Listen, P'Arthit—"

"No you listen. Don't ever do that again. Do you understand me?" I held his gaze for one sharp tense moment, and then I dismissed him and walked to my room.

Before I could get there though, he said, "I'm sorry. I didn't know you would hate it that much. I just saw an opportunity and I took it."

I sighed, feeling some of the anger fall from me like old strands hair. I shook my head and tried to find the words to explain things to him but he wasn't done.

"Is it wrong though?"

I turned around and looked at him. He had a face like he was hurt. I knew I was a bit harsh but not that harsh enough to hurt him. "What?"

"Nothing," he exhaled, "just tell me what I can do to make this better."

"Don't," I paused, guilt crumpled my retort. I didn't want to feel guilty, I wanted to be annoyed. I sighed as all my annoyances were completely gone like dust in the wind. "It's alright, Pete. I'm sorry I yelled at you."

"I thought Kongpob would be a good witness to my father that something was going on between us, I wasn't thinking of making you angry or going against your wish."

"I know," I nodded. But I really didn't know and even if I did, would I have been able to let him do that? I'm not sure. Kongpob had look so hurt, and a little crazy. I realized now that I did not like the look in Kongpob's eyes. The fear and the possessiveness. What is happening to him?

From that day on Pete was a second presence in my life after my own shadow. We didn't do anything romantic, just ate out, went places together, and Pete spent the night at my place sleeping on my couch.

I felt a little anxious at first, expecting Anya's father's retaliation with the same way someone would expect a tsunami. It didn't come. Not for weeks, and then a month was about to float by.

Another thing that didn't come was Kongpob. He was silent, never called me and never came to see me. I told myself I was glad, that this was good. if we never get back together I was going to be okay with it. But every day I look at my phone expecting to see a missed call or a message. When I am coming back from work I stand in front of my house for longer than necessary to catch a glimpse of him. I stayed by my balcony window all the time waiting to see his car.

I was starting to feel tortured when the fourth week went by. I began to see fault with everything Pete did, and I found reason to get annoyed. I just wanted to do something to distract me. I wanted to focus on something to hide how wretched I felt.

Over and Beyond: Drowning(#2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora