chapter 12

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Author's Note: hey guys! Thanks for reading so far. Writing this story has been wonderful and although it is filled with pains and misunderstanding I still love and cherish our baes, I hope you still do too. If you like the story please leave a vote, it means a lot to us writer, thank you.

Enjoy the read : )

Chapter 12

I didn't throw off P'Arthit's hand when he dragged me out of the hospital room, but he let go of my hand on his own when we entered the crowded waiting area. I watched him as he walked forward and then I looked away.

He took us to the place I found him and P'Dean seating comfortably with his head on her shoulder. I didn't read too much into that, but still I was uncomfortable. I had no idea how P'Dean knew about what happened. P'Arthit must have told her since neither my mother nor I were in any state of mind to inform anybody at the time. We only informed my sisters this morning and they were still not here since they were out of the city. Yet, P'Dean came running to P'Arthit's side and then stayed the whole night with him. I don't know what they did or said to one another but it didn't make me feel happy.

I waited for P'Arthit to say what he wanted to say as he took a look up the stairs to be sure that we were really alone and then faced me. I have made up my mind not to be angry or defensive or say anything at all. After all, P'Arthit was probably still feeling guilty about what happened to my father. I knew he blamed himself for what happened.

When our eyes meet I see that his resolve to touch the shaky subject had dissolved a bit, he was looking thoughtful and hesitant, so I thought maybe I could push it for another time when we were not in a hospital.



We spoke at the same time. I paused to wait for him but he merely looked at me, also waiting. I sighed and turned away. "I'm sorry," I said.

"Why are you sorry," he asked.

He knew why. "I didn't mean it like that, I guess I am just under a lot of stress."

"Kongpob, P'Dean was—"
"I don't want to hear it!" I blew over him surprising myself. What happened to pushing this to a later date? But I really didn't feel like talking about her and what she meant to P'Arthit.

He looked at me as if he understood. "sorry," I apologized avoiding his eyes, "like I said I am under a lot of stress right now and I don't want to talk about this."

"I know that." His voice sounded strangled, pained. "Don't you think I know that? And I want to be there for you but the way you look at me—"he broke off.

"The way I look at you,"

"Like you hate me... or something. You don't want me here, and even though I understand that and I am so sorry," he paused, "nothing can ever take back what I did or turn it around, I just don't want..." the words were choked off and I realized in shock what P'Arthit must have been thinking.

He started panting, an attempt to ward off tears, he never lets me see him cry. But he was crying in front of P'Dean the night before. I shook off the stupid thought.

"I am sorry Kongpob, I didn't know that I would put him in this much danger. I am so sorry, please don't hate me. I should have told you, I didn't intentionally keep it from you or anything like that. I was just trying to help you, and your father he—he also wanted to help us. If I had known that was going to happen to him, I wouldn't have told him to wait for me. If I had seen the trailer coming for him I would have rushed in to save him. It should have been me—"

Over and Beyond: Drowning(#2)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz