chapter 7

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Author's Note: hey guys! Here is another update. Thank you so much for your votes and comments, it really means a lot to me to see that you are indeed enjoying this story as much as I enjoy writing it.

Please read and enjoy : )

Chapter 7

It was a blessing and a curse to meet P'Arthit that day. For weeks I planned and thought of how to expose Anya's father, how to get rid of his agent that he planted in my house to spy on me and keep me shackled. I thought of ways that I could investigate the man without being caught, all to no avail.

I was stuck because I soon realized that my computer has been hacked and that anything I search was being seen, any message or emails I send would be read. I became anxious about contacting P'Arthit. When he called that one time I quickly ended the call, I think I may have been rude and hasty.

So in the end my plans moved from finding out what I can use against Anya's father, to finding out how I could get in touch with P'Arthit.

Anya did not make that easy. She was living in my house now and she acted the devoted daughter-in law to my parents. The more I shunned her, the more she complained and worked hard to soften my mother until one day...

"When are you going to set a wedding date, Kongpob," I turned on the chair and looked at my mother standing at the door looking like she was up for a fight.

"What?" I asked, pretending not to hear her, it was my only tactic for avoiding her attacks.

"Anya is a good girl and you and Arthit disgraced her on her own wedding. Do you know that speculations have been going around about her, tarnishing her good name? The poor girl can't even show her face around her colleagues, she is even thinking of quitting her job. The only way to fix this is to get married as soon as possible."

"Mom," my attempt to speak was brushed aside as she continued stepping more into the room.

"I don't know what is making you hesitate so much, I thought you loved her, isn't that why you purposed to her?"

I had already figured out by then even without hearing from her that, that my mother had not been aware that the wedding was a sham. I had left that task to Anya, trusting her to inform my mother so she wouldn't get her hopes up, but of course now I know she probably fed her a twisted version of the story. Anger made me clench my teeth.

"Mom, please let me say something."

"There is nothing to say. Anya has been living here for nearly two weeks, it is time to set the wedding."

"I don't want to marry her," I blurted out.

She didn't say anything but her face set in a righteous jot that said I had ticked her off. "Why? Are you already tired of her?"

"No, it's not that—"

"Kongpob, I never raised you to be the kind of person who would use other people like that."

"I did not use her." Rather she used me, she used my weakness and fears to her own advantage, she used me through and through as she was using my mother's desperation to see me married and my reputation restored. But for some reason I found it difficult to say this to her. I actually don't know what Anya would risk if I did anything to get her kicked out of the house. If she told P'Arthit about her pregnancy then what would I do.

"If that is true then let's set a date for next month. How about it? There is a nice event center Anya and I looked at last time that wasn't available but is open now. "

I stood to my feet and said clearly and precisely," I will not marry Anya, mother. Never. I don't love her and I can never love her."
I started to leave the room, apprehensive about her stopping me.

Over and Beyond: Drowning(#2)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें