chapter 14

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Author's note: Hey guys! Sorry for the delayed post. Thank you all for voting and for your nice comments. Alas it has come to that point where writer's block stands in the way. Because of this I won't be posting frequently as much. I hope you all will endure with me until I beat this writer's block. : )

Don't forget to vote or comment if you like this chapter. Read and enjoy.

Chapter 14

I opened the door into P'Arthit's house slowly, trying not to disturb him in case he was asleep. I have been gone at least two hours but I shouldn't have banked on his being asleep. Not after what Anya has done.

He was by the kitchen sipping something in a mug. He looked up when I entered and lowered his mug to study me. I paused at the threshold and stared back. I could almost read his mind. He was going to demand that I tell him everything, which I will. I didn't plan on keeping everything from him I just... we've been so happy, I didn't want him to worry. I know this sound like excuses and he would think the same thing but they are my honest thoughts.

"Are you going to close the door?" he asked. I realized I have been standing there with the door open and stepped in, then shut it quietly behind me.

"Did you take Anya... home?" there was such an inflection on that word that I bit my lip. Anya has been living with me for so long that I have started calling my home hers as well. It is not because I love her or want her, it is because of what we had between us. My secret that I swear every day I will tell P'Arthit, until today when I realized that I had only been stalling and had no real intention of telling him. I can't trust him not break up with me if he knows.

"P'Arthit, it is not what you think," I began stepping forward wanting to close the distance between us.

"I am trying my best not to think anything, Kongpob." He left the mug on the counter and walked to me. I found it hard to meet his sincere and trusting gaze, but he won't let me escape. He caught my cheeks in his hands and held my face to him.

"What's going on? What are you not telling me?" my gaze pinned, I sighed.

"I am sorry, P'Arthit. I didn't mean to keep it from you but I didn't know how you would react."

He nodded as if he understood completely, "okay but I still need to know. Are you going to tell me?"

I nodded amicably. I fisted my hands and released. "Can we seat down first?" I felt like I have been standing for days.

He nodded and gave me enough space to settle down on the sofa that he got really cheap from a garage sale last week.

He sat next to me and I leaned forward to touch his face, this made some of the sternness on it slip away. "You are upset. I'm sorry that Anya came here and said all that."

"Don't apologize for her Kongpob," he said with a thin smile. I paused. "You don't see what I see and hear what I hear but Kongpob..." he broke off. "exactly what kind of relationship do you have with Anya."

"none." The only relationship was the secret a-and the child that she is carrying. I have to appease her to make sure she keeps her mouth shut and I can't deny the child that she is carrying for me. I can't turn my back on it. If he is mine then I will take responsibility, but not as Anya's husband.

"The engagement, did you call it off?"

I have been lying, not out rightly, to P'Arthit. I told him without telling him that the engagement was off. I shook my head in answer, my eyes lowered. I heard him pull in a breath.

"What then?"

"My mother is setting up the wedding. It's next month."

P'Arthit reacted like I knew he would; he got up and tried to keep from screaming at me but then he turned and screamed, "are you kidding me?!"

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