Chapter 4 --- we are not together

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Chapter 4

I picked at the necklace and took a glance at it for the nth time. It really was a stupid necklace but I couldn't get rid of it without Kong finding out and he was pretty insistent I wear it but I wasn't about to wear it out in the open and be mocked for wearing something like this.

Just as I tucked the necklace into my shirt, Pete burst into my office. I have asked him plenty times to stop popping into my office without knocking and he either never listens or barely remembers. I think a lot of what I say streams over his head while he goes off into lala land about his lover.

"Pete," I began, my tone full of the authority of a boss but he interrupted.

"P'Arthit, don't tell me that is a promise bracelet?" his eyes were wide and staring at the hidden necklace.

I nodded," how did you know?"

"I have one," he raised his own which was wrapped around his wrist. Was that how you wear it?

"Mine is a necklace," I said.

"No, it's obviously a bracelet P'Arthit?" I pulled out the stupid thing which was still very much a necklace.

"I am wearing it around my neck, hence a necklace."

"But it is called a promise bracelet, bracelets are worn around the wrists."

"Bracelets do not look like necklaces..."

Someone cleared their throat putting a stop to our nonsensical argument. We both looked at the same time and P'Dean was standing there. She didn't look upset but I couldn't really tell from her blank and serious face.

I could still remember our last conversation together and I was suddenly stuck trying to find the right words to say to her. When faced with P'Dean, I seem to become short for words.

"Arthit," she nodded at me," if you are not too busy can you look over this with me."

I stood speechlessly, looking between her and the files in her hands. She clicked her tongue, the first look of annoyance appearing on her face. "Didn't anyone tell you? I took over your projects during your sick leave."

"Ah yes, thank you," I said and welcomed her kindly into my office. Pete was still standing there so I asked," what is it, Pete?"

"It's okay, I can talk to you later."

The way he looked was strange. Pete was very jovial and a bit too carefree for my taste but today he was looking solemn and worn.

"It's okay, "I said," if you need to talk with me then go ahead, P'Dean and I can reschedule," I turned to confirm with her. She shrugged carelessly. "So, don't worry and talk."

"It's fine team leader, I'm good to wait. Later," he waved and winked before leaving.

"Something wrong?" P'Dean asked, not sounding like she cared.

"I don't know," I said still looking the way Pete went.

"Good," she said with enough finality that forced me to look at her. She was unapologetic as she took a seat and started spreading out the files on my desk. I sat down and we began to work.

Not three minutes into it she said, "I heard you came out with the truth, finally." She looked at me who was so shocked I did not know what to say. It never occurred to me that what I said would get to my office place, but I was naïve. Of course it did, Kongpob made life-long friends everywhere and many workers from Ocean Electric must have been at the wedding.

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