Chapter 1 Unknown Salvation

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Welcome to Unity, this is a story that has been created by me! There are some gore including in this story so GORE WARNING, you have been warned. Now please enjoy the story, please to lift my confidence.

In this world both technology and magic reside peacefully together but not after numerous wars and bloodshed. From the deaths came four kingdoms. The North Kingdom being a snowy fortress and advanced in warfare against possible deadly forces. The South Kingdom where all other species reside such as trolls, Ogre, gnomes, and more but they lack in things such as advanced technology. The Eastern Kingdom where they held Japanese like cultures and are advanced in the art of magic. The Western Kingdom is where both technology and magic is steadily advancing; also where people from all kingdoms go to improve their abilities. There are other tribes that reside between the kingdoms such as a the Death Cultists, the Imperial Dragons, and deadly monsters that kills anything they see. But one kingdom resides that isn't originally in this world known as the Kingdom of Demons

—-17 Years Ago—-

Through numerous giant mountains, armies of trees, cold tundras, and other death defying land stood a golden castle. But this castle is dealing with a fatal situation, human soldiers that serve the golden castle are fending off numerous demonic like creature in various shapes and sizes. But it seems that the demons are pushing the men, the humans' numbers only getting smaller and smaller; in front of the golden castle there was a draw bridge that was still lowered, defended by numerous catapults that seem to hold down the bridge.

But soon five green meteors rain down the sky that crashes to the ground, killing humans and demons alike; from the craters came five figures that were covered in smoke. Surrounding the craters were multiple groups of men with catapults. But one figure tackles through a group of soldiers, the figure being incredibly buff but other details about it's appearance seem unknown. Another figure releases multiple blue glowing strings that stab into soldiers that binds them; meanwhile a scythe can be find next to the soldiers that cleaves through their necks. Then suddenly tears from the ground under the catapults revealing a dark unknown void but then the catapults respond by hurling giant rocks towards the figures but then tears on the sky appear that devours the rocks. But then the tears appear on top of the men as rocks drop down on top of them. The final figure motions it's hands from the ground to the air as suddenly the ground around him cracks, the human's being crushed to the ground by an unknown force.

Four of the five figures stay back to slaughter any men that are still somehow alive. The remaining figure walked to the draw bridge but one of the men motion to the group that are holding down the bridge

"Lift the bridge! Lift the bridge! We can't fend them off much longe-BLEGH!"

The soldier found a hand that is stabbed through his chest, his heart on his palms. The hand came from the figure that came from the crater; the men rips the heart out, causing the others to be horrified and alarmed. The men on the bridge retreat in the castle as they start to lift up the draw bridge. The man slowly winds his arm as the blood leaves the soldier's body, the blood levitating around the man's arm. He squeezes the heart until it pops, causing more blood to levitate around him. The blood then formed into multiple shapes of shards of different sizes, he hurls the blood at the draw bridge; some stabbed into the bridge while some are stabbed through the bridge.

The man starts running, jumping up in the air; using the blood crystals that are stabbed into the bridge as platforms. He then jumped on to one of the crystals until he reached a hole that has been stabbed through. He then smashes through the hole, breaking inside the castle. He lands to the ground, surrounded by the group that is defending the draw bridge. The man motions his hands, the group suddenly lifted up in the air and then extending them towards the drawbridge; the group being hurled out of the hole of the bridge to the waters, drowning them under the catapults that sunk. He then lowers the draw bridge as the demons roar out victoriously, the demons finally breaking out of the men's lines. The demons keep attacking until they reach inside the castle.

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