Chapter 15 Pro's Test Begin!

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A black jet flies through the clouds, the view of the Western Kingdom can be seen from the pilot seat.

"So you're sure he said ten siblings?"

A female sat in the passenger seat; wearing a wizard hat that covered her face and had armor that made her resembled a knight.

A figure in the passenger seat behind her's gave her a assuring nod; a straw hat hiding the figure's head.

The assuring nod placed a smile on the woman's hat as she lets out a chuckle.

"In that case this trip might actually be worth it."

Meanwhile, bells fill Valor Academy that signals the end of school for today. Ken and the others join the flood of students that leave the school until Sun approaches the siblings and Ryoshi.

"Good afternoon brats."

Sun waves at the group of kids, each of them waving them back except for Kai.

"I was wondering if you kids would follow me; fath-Commander Tokugawa wanted to reward you guys for helping us in that demon attack."

The news suddenly filled the children's eyes with excitement.

"Rewards? What are we gonna get?! Weapons, special magic lessons, a magical pet?!"

The siblings' minds were buzzing with ideas of what could the reward be and what the limits were since it was given from the ruler of this kingdom.

"A visit!"

"A visit?"

Those two words replaced the children's excitement with a combination of confusion and disappointment.

"Commander Tokugawa invited two powerful magic users to see what you guys can do and if they're satisfied they'll take you guys to train at a secluded area."

The kids got nervous, two powerful magic users are gonna see and judge them based on their abilities, but it could be a perfect opportunity to improve their skills.

"They should be at the C.L.U.B in half an hour come on guys follow me."

Sun would start walking off to the C.L.U.B; the group following behind him.

They eventually get there and two figures stood there waiting for them.

"Blitz! Ace!"

The two figures were Blitz and Ace; Blitz had his shirt with a red robe over it, multiple bandages can be seen around his palm and around his forehead. Ace had shogun armor with his bow and arrow strapped on his shoulders with small bandages.

"So Blitz is finally out of the hospital! Took him long enough."

"Could've left sooner if Blitz wasn't trying to swing a katana every few hours."

The group was making some small talk as they walk inside C.L.U.B; Ken looking over at Blitz nervously, the memory of Blitz's threat lingering in his mind.

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