Chapter 14 Ryoshi's Magic

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The siblings have been training in C.L.U.B with all of their effort; each of them training their abilities, some of them found new ways to utilize them or how to improve their techniques.

It was another day at Valor Academy. Blitz was still at the hospital due to hurting himself while trying to train again in his room and Ace made sure to stay by him until he fully recovered.

Between classes, crowds of students walk past each other. Arthur, Asher, and Kody passed Ryoshi and they start think to themselves.

"Hmmm I wonder what he does?"

Kai and Ryoshi are at the same math class. Kai looked over at Ryoshi and see him casually working with his house cat sleeping inside his backpack that's resting next to his desk.

"Isn't that Kassy's friend? I saw him went to a magic class; does he have some sort of magic ability and is trying to keep it a secret?"

Kai's fist clenched as he examined Ryoshi; his curiosity growing and that curiosity was stating to agitate him from the inside.

Lunch time quickly comes; the students shuffling towards the cafeteria. Kassy and Ryoshi are getting food while the others are meeting at their usual table.

"Alright guys, do you guys ever wonder what that Ryoshi guy can do? He must have some sort of magic technique or maybe knows some hand to hand combat."

The brothers kept discussing the possibilities until Ryoshi and Kassy arrived at the table, causing the table to go immediately silent.

"Uhhh guys what were you talking about?"

Kassy and Ryoshi placed down the food and joined in the table, gazing at the others suspiciously.

"Hey cat boy! Fight me in the C.L.U.B!"

Kody challenged Ryoshi which caused him to be shaking and becoming uncomfortable.

"Hey what are you talking about? What's with your sudden demand?"

"I'm just curious on what he does. He goes to a magic class right? He has to know how to fight!"

Kody and Kassy start to bicker and the others only watched; embarrassed to see some of the nearby students watching them.

"H-hey Kassy I don't mind fighting, it's true, I have a magic ability"

Ryoshi tried his best to keep his eyes on the others but now and then his eyes would turn to the left; his eyes trying to avoid the the conversation.

"In that case let's go see if Sun is available and meet at the C.L.U.B after school!"

Kody seems incredibly excited for this match; but the others assume it was because he was humiliated during his first training session with the droids and needed the win.

"I'll go check his home after school now enough talking lets eat!"

Arthur seems tired of the topic of the conversation and just wanted to eat. The others nod and started feasting on their food.

School has passed and Arthur discovered that Sun is busy with watching over the walls of the city so C.L.U.B was closed for today and tomorrow.

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