Chapter 3 The First Test!

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The siblings stood there as the beast the encountered slowly approaching them. Kassy runs over to Ken who is weakened from the beast's surprise attack.

"Don't worry I gotcha!"

She pressed her finger tips together as she slowly inhales, she then opened her eyes as she spreads her arms as a large circle made out of magic symbols appear around her hand. The magical circle was green and it seemed to affect Ken's wounded leg, causing the wound to slowly but surely heal.

Kassy, the only female in the family and can be considered to be the most reliable. She is the healer of the group, able to heal wounds but not wounds that are too much such as cut off arms or ones that seem fatal. She is also able to form shields made out of a magical circle but can only block attacks like basic magic techniques.

Kassy stood back to heal Ken's wound but the first one to strike was Kai, he recklessly rushed towards a the beast as he jumped to the air. His body facing the beast's face, he aimed the top of his war axe as a dark brown magical circle surrounded the axe

"Earth Magic! Stone Bullet!"

He said as suddenly the magical circle shoots out shards of stone like a Gatling gun that overwhelms the beast head momentarily. He then does a spin, trying to slice the beast's face with his axe.

Kai, the reckless but oldest of the siblings. His choice of weapon relating to his arrogant nature but makes him a good physical fighter but also a ranged rookie magic user. His Earth magic allowing him to fire stone and form short walls of stone from the ground!

The beast got distracted by the peddles and received a bloody wound from the axe on it's face but the Tiger thrusts it's head towards Kai, knocking him back to the ground. The beast tries to follow it up by stomping on Kai but suddenly a burst of flames hit the tiger's side, causing the beast to get distracted. The origin of the flames was from Asher's his hands aiming at the beast as smoke leaves his palms.

Asher the calm middle brother. He is able to release a burst flame magic from his body as a cloud of flames and fireballs. Though he is able to release a great amount of flames, he is unable to concentrate the flames making it very troubling for allies.

Kai dashed away from the beast, some of Asher's fire almost catching on to him

"Hey dumbass! Watch where you firing your damn fire!"

Kai yelled angrily at him as Asher responds with a groan as he kept firing a cloud of fire at the beast, the fire only burning a large patch of it's fur.

"Not my fault that you decided to run axe first into a giant tiger monster"

Asher said but his response only distracted him, the Tiger's long tail slithers towards Asher and strike him on his side. Asher was sent towards a bamboo tree, a rib broken from the tail.

"Why do all of you just keep getting yourself in trouble! I can only heal one at a time you know!"

Kassy said out loud, just finishing Ken's leg. Kassy then looked over at Roman and Arthur, seeing the two just watching the fight from the back

"What the hell are you two doing? Get in there and help your brothers!"

She said, getting angry as she gripped Ken's leg out of anger causing Ken to groan in pain

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