Chapter 16 A Child and a Dire Situation

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It was the pro magic users' test for the children; the giant skeleton demon is running through the city in search of the students, bumping into the sides of the poorly made buildings that caused parts of them to fall down.

One piece in particular is falling towards one of the dummies that Sun set up as civilians but Kassy appears next to the dummy as she raised her hands at the air.

"Support Magic: Shield!"

A magical circle appears over her hands but by alone it won't be enough, especially with Kassy's strength backing it up.

But Arthur rans towards Kassy, placing his hand on her back, his hand releasing a green aura that boost the shield; the green shield widens as it gives off a powerful green glow.

The debris landed on the giant shield, the two siblings struggling to keep the shield up, especially with their lack of physical strength.

But Ryoshi comes running in, jumping over the shield, head butting the debris off the shield.

"Thanks for the save Ryoshi!"

Kassy makes the shield disperse as Ryoshi lands back on the ground. Ryoshi had two horns growing out of his forehead and his forehead covered in green fur that resembled the beast that the siblings faced in the bamboo forest.

"That monster fur that Kai gave you is really being handy!"

Kassy was happy to see Ryoshi starting to become a good addition to their team.

"Mhmm, though it's hard to use this since it's a monster, especially if I never seen the monster, I only got a less than explicit description of it."

"While you two are finished, we got around seven dummies we should get these to the C.L.U.B and go back to get the rest."

Arthur said, dragging the other six dummies that they already saved.

"Me and Arthur will take them back, as long as Arthur is boosting me up it should only take a few minutes."

"Oh yeah that was what we planned but we didn't quite explain how since my magic only works on touch."

This sparked what would the most funniest thing that Kassy will see today.

"You know, Ryoshi will probably carry all of those dummies since he's the stronger one."

"Of course...what does that have to do with this?"

Arthur asked, both concerned and confused by Kassy.

"What else? A piggy back ride!"

Kassy suggested happily but the Arthur and Ryoshi almost jump back from the suggestion.

Arthur raised his hands up defensively as he turned back away from the other two.

"Nope. Nope! I refuse to ride on someone's back."

"Come on bro! We can't be waisting time like this."

Kassy tried pressuring him, running towards him, showing him her own puppy eyes.

Unity Book 1 Heroes' Dawn (Chapter 1-17)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz