BI BO BI!!!!!!!

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So. I got tagged. I kind of don't know how this works, so I apologize in advance.

 I kind of don't know how this works, so I apologize in advance

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Okay! Let's do this. 

Uh... I was tagged by @StarlitBawka 

I tag... (Sorry 'bout this) @Temmie-Official @Thorns_di_angelo @Posiedonfan3 @Angel_Qveen @mizshard  @LoveandPurgatory @AkiraVale75 
@YourAveragePotatoCat @Chan_lola_chan @smolpanofphan


Spirit Animal - According to Pottermore it's a bat, but I feel like it's a cat.

Favorite Book on Wattpad - Right now it's a Victuuri au called royal pain... ever heard of it?

Favourite Book you've written - I've only written one....

Fandoms you're in - Voltron, Heroes of Olympus, Yuri on Ice, the Phandom,  Harry Potter, Artemis Fowl, Percy Jackson (does this go under as heroes of olympus?)and I think that's about it. Maybe. 

Any pets - Yeah. A dog called Jamie. She's a dear. 

Wattpad Family - What is this?????

5 facts about yourself - 

1. Ever since I started shipping gay ships, straight ships aren't as exciting. IDK why.

2. I love Solangelo and Klance.

3. I'm more of a cat person, but I have a dog and I wouldn't trade her for anything.

4. I'm Indian. 

5. I SAY EMBRACE THE WEIRDNESS!!!!!!! As a wise man called Phillip Micheal Lester once said, (I swear he said something like this) being normal is sad. I think there is something wonderfully weird in everyone, and that normal is just a lie we tell ourselves so we have a category. 

Least Favorite Book On Wattpad - 

I dunno. Personally, I really don't like the ones where any character is shipped with someone that doesn't fit their sexuality. I think it's rude to the character, and to anyone else who might be in a similar situation. If they've made their personal identity clear, respect that. 

I also don't like smut. 

Books I recommend - 

The Lost Symbol - Dan Brown

The Spooks Apprentice - Joseph Delaney

Death Gene - Malcom Rose

Cool Nukes - Des Hunt

Gatekeepers - Forgot who it's by 😅

Artemis Fowl - Eoin Colfer

I can't think of any others. Does anyone else do that? They read so many books that they can't remember the names?

OTP's - 






Phan (Kind of. I respect it if they are't dating.)

Arthur x Merlin 


Notp's - 

Nico x anyone but Will because they are perfect for each other

Ron x Harry - I don't want to ruin a bromance 

Sheith - WHY???

Samira x Magnus - SHE'S BETROTHED!!!!!

Annabeth and Luke - No. They were literally siblings. 

Story Spoilers - 

The end up having to wipe the students memories because otherwise it affects the plotline of Harry Potter. And they have to find a Horcrux. I don't know if that's a spoiler. I'm pretty sure I made that clear. 

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