Chapter 38

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So it is currently pretty cold in NZ, and I am trying to type this with gloves on. Mum made me wear them cause apparently my hands are freezing. So I'm sitting at my desk, typing with gloves on while wearing a dressing gown wearing fuzzy socks. Anyone else in a strange position because of the weather where they live? Or is it just me. 

ALSO LOOK AT THIS PIC!!! THIS ALMOST FREAKED THE FANGIRL OUTTA ME!!!! PS, I'm gonna add the translations for the italian at the bottom of the page, kay? If you'd prefer me to comment it, let me know. Anyway...

Время историй !!!!  (IT'S RUSSIAN. Victor Nikiforov anyone? Or Yurio?)


Will's POV

"Oi lovebirds!" I opened my eyes blearily to a unfamiliar voice. When my vision cleared, I became aware of a heavy weight on my chest, and looked down to see a sleeping Nico. I smiled and my heart fluttered in my chest. He looked so cute!

"Finally!" I looked up to see a boy with blond hair and wide shoulders. He was grinning at us as he stood at the foot of out bed. Wait a minute... Nico! He was sleeping on me! Great. Now the entire school is going to know we're dating. What if they're homophobic?

"Buddy. Hi." he said waving a hand in front of my eyes. I sat up and looked at him nervously. 

"You're the new kid aren't you."
"Yeah." I mumbled, watching him carefully. Apparently he noticed my nervousness, as he laughed. 

"I'm Jayden." he said sticking out his hand. "And if your worried about being bullied because you're dating, relax. We Slytherins are pretty chill about that. The rest of the school hates us, so..." he shrugged. "We gotta at least support each other right?" I sighed with relief, and shook his hand. 

"Cool. I'm Will Solace." I said smiling. "And this is my boyfriend Nico." he snapped his fingers. 
"That's it! You're Divani's new friends, aren't you." I chuckled.
"Does everyone know that girl?"
"Pretty much. Anyway, you guys gotta get up unless you want to be late to breakfast." he said walking away. "See ya!" 

"What's happening?" I looked down to see Nico staring around the room sleepily, watching a few of our dorm mates that were chatting in the corner. I smiled, immediately putting on a cheery voice. 
"Rise and shine deathboy! We have classes, remember?" The raven-haired italian groaned, and fell back onto his pillow.

After we'd gotten ready we made our way down to the common room to meet Divani. She was waiting at the bottom of the stairs. 

"There they are! The famous couple." she said winking at us. I groaned. 
"Did Jayden already out us?" She giggled. 
"Yup. Relax. As long as you keep it PG, you aren't going to get any trouble from us Slytherins." she said wiggling her eyebrows. Nico flipped her off as he yawned. 

"That isn't very nice! Non puoi biasimarla, you two are too cute." I turned my attention to Monica, who was coming down the girls staircase. Nico laughed. 
"If you say so Monica."
"Oh I say so." she said with a straight face. "And I mean it."

The four of us made out way down to breakfast. The smell of toast and jam wafted through the entrance hall, immediately making me hungry. As soon as we sat down, Divani poured herself some coffee, and got herself some toast. Nico scrunched up his nose. 
"How do you drink that stuff?" Divani looked at him for a second, but then a smile spread over her face. "With me mouth!" she said sillily. I laughed, Monica chuckled, and even Nico cracked a smile. 

"Also Neeks, I don't know how you survive without it!" I said pouring myself a cup. I like black coffee. Most people think Nico would, but I am the maniac who has it completely dark thank you very much. Nico gagged as he watched me take a sip of the caffeine. 

"I like coffee, but I prefer it with a bit of sugar." said Monica smiling. Nico gasped.
"You have betrayed me. Sei uno di loro." he said dramatically. Monica just laughed. 

"Yes! Mail's here!" said Divani putting down her toast. I looked at her confused. 
"What do you mean?" I followed her gaze, and looked at the enchanted ceiling. 

For the first time since I arrived at Hogwarts, I didn't have a clear view of the ceiling. Why? BECAUSE THERE WERE FRICKING BIRDS IN THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!

Owls of various shapes, sizes and colours had flown in through the windows at the top of the hall, and more were pouring in by the second. Within seconds, they swooped down to their recipients and owners, and dropped packages and envelopes in, around, and on top of their breakfast. 

"Finally!" said Divani as a barn owl swooped down and dropped a letter on her lap. She gave it a bit of her toast, and then it flew off. "I've been waiting for news for a while now!" she tore the letter open, and shrieked. 

"What is it?" I asked the grinning Indian girl. She looked up at me with bright eyes. 

"My sister just delivered! I have a new niece!" Nico smiled. 
"Yeah!" said Monica. "Tell her to send us a picture." 
"Will do my angel of darkness." said Divani throwing an arm around her friend. Monica smiled at the nickname, but then frowned. 

A snow white owl had landed on Monica's plate, looking very disheveled. Next to it lay a opal-encrusted jewelry box. Before I could get a closer look at it, Monica swept it into her bag. She fastened the latch with shaking hands before returning to her breakfast. I frowned. 

"Aren't you going to open it?" she shook her head, and started to eat her toast. 

I glanced at Nico, who was staring at the girl. There was definitely something wrong. 


"Arithmancy is easy though!" I rolled my eyes at Piper. She glared at me. 
"No it is not! I don't get how you two find it so easy!" I exchanged looks with an amused Hazel. 

"It's because they both have powers tied to prophecies." said Nico digging through his bag. Piper groaned, and leaned into Hazel.
"Why is thee so lucky?" she asked her batting her eyes. Hazel laughed.
"Lucky?" Piper grinned. 

Nico groaned.
"Where is it!"
"Where is what?" I asked falling behind to join my very irritated boyfriend.
"My ancient ruins textbook." he said giving up his fruitless searching. Piper rolled her eyes. 
"Relax Neeks. You have all break to find it. You could just use a summoning charm?" Nico rubbed his forehead while pointing at Piper. 
"Thank you." he mumbled. 

We walked over to a shady corner of the courtyard, and continued our discussions. For a moment, I could believe we were normal kids, going to a normal school, with no worries except our final grade. 

"Hey! Will!" I turned around to see Monica walking over to us along with a few of her friends. Selena, Cayden, Divani, and a Hufflepuff boy I'd never seen before. She came up to us, and then said something to Nico in italian. 

"Ho bisogno del tuo aiuto."

<<<<<<<<TRANSLATION TIME>>>>>>

Non puoi biasimarla - You can't blame her

Sei uno di loro - You're one of them

Ho bisogno del tuo aiuto - I need your help

Hopefully this helped! Until next time, GOODBYE!!!!!!!!!

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