chapter 3:a dark truth and a hard pill to swallow for the village

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Ever since naruto had unlocked his new bloodline and was able to now see the future of anyone who he saw or came in contact with he started meditating to better control it and sure enough he was getting better and better at doing so infact it was through these meditation sessions that he met The kyuubi and as they talked the kyuubi started to take an interest in naruto and decided to help train him. After telling naruto his true name is kurama they decided to start his new training with his sword and kurama said." Okay naruto first things first. You should know that your sword is no ordinary sword. It is what's known as a zanpacto. You named it spirit dweller. But when the time comes. The sword will reveal it's true name and form to you. Do you understand me so far???." Naruto nodded his head Yes and The kyuubi continued and said." Now then. As an uzumaki The art of sealing and kenjutsu should come naturally to you. But you must first learn the basics. I can teach you but you must pay close attention and do not question me. do you understand???." Naruto nodded his head Yes again and said." I promise I will do whatever you say without question kurama Sensei." And kurama said."good. we start then. Don't you have a lunch date with your friend Sakura???." And naruto said." Your right. I do. Thanks kurama.see you tomorrow."naruto then disappeared from his mind and returned to the real world. He then realized that Sakura was waiting for him to start their study sessions and so, all throughout their lunch break and weekends Sakura would help naruto where he needed it most witch to Sakura's surprise was just about everything from math to history chakra control and even basic ninjutsu training. His romantic dates with Hinata also helped him greatly as it helped him gain the support of the Hyuga and by extent thanks to his" future sight" abilities as everyone was calling it also had the uchiha clan on his side as well. Things were going well for naruto and would only get better when the hokage made the biggest announcement ever and would shake The village to it's very core

Meanwhile we find third hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi, jiraia and Tsunade of the sannin along with the Hokage's advisors Koharu homura and danzo Shimura. Hiruzen is about to make the biggest announcement ever and the villagers would soon see naruto much MUCH differently afterwards and so seeing as The entire village was gathered he decided to start by saying." People of konoha village. I thank you All for coming here today for I have an important announcement to make!!!." He then paused to let the villagers talk amongst themselves and when it all calmed down a random civilian asked." And just what exactly is this important announcement Lord Hokage???." Another random villager then said." Yes please tell us." And Hiruzen said." Are you sure you All want to know SO badly that you would even face death himself to hear it." Now the villagers were sweating and The entire crowd went silent. This caught Hiruzen's attention and he said." Very well. Then I shall Tell you This. A certain blonde hair and blue eyed boy is always being hurt beaten chased down and hunted like an animal. This boy is naruto uzumaki namikaze. Son of The fourth hokage minato namikaze and Kushina uzumaki. YOU HAVE ALL BEEN ABUSING AN INNOCENT CHILD FOR CONTAINING THE NINE TAILS BUT ASK YOURSELF THIS.WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF YOU ACTUALLY SUCCEEDED IN KILLING HIM!!!???." Jiraia then stepped forward and said."YOUR ALL A BUNCH OF IMBACILES!!!.HAD ANY OF YOUR ATTEMPTS TO KILL MY GRANDSON SUCCEEDED THE NINE TAILS WOULD BE RELEASED!!!.AND YOU WOULD ALL BE DEAD!!!. MINATO NAMIKAZE WAS MY BEST STUDENT AND A SEALS MASTER. AND YOU ALL DISGRACE HIS AND KUSHINA'S SACRIFICE BY NOT TREATING THEIR OWN SON LIKE A TRUE HERO FOR CONTAINING THE NINE TAILS. INSTEAD YOU TREAT HIM LIKE THE VERY DEMON HE CONTAINS!!!." Silence had just fallen upon The village as they begin to regret what they have done to naruto and The hero of the village since birth. Seeing this. Tsunade decided to step up and said." YOU BASTARDS HAVE THE NERVE TO CALL HIM A MONSTER WHEN AFTER READING ALL OF HIS MEDICAL FILES. THE ONLY MONSTERS I SEE ARE THE ONES RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!!!. NARUTO UZUMAKI NAMIKAZE IS THE VERY LAST UZUMAKI CLAN MEMBER ALIVE AND OF THE ROYAL UZUMAKI CLAN FAMILY!!!. YOU SHOULD ALL BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELVES. THERE IS A LAW WRITTEN BY MY GRANDFATHER THE FIRST HOKAGE THAT ANY AND ALL FORMS OF ABUSE TO A CLAN HEIR OF ROYAL OR NOBLE BLOOD MAY DECIDE THE PUNISHMENT OF THE ABUSER.
IN OTHER WORDS. YOU ARE ALL GUILTY IN THE EYES OF THE SENJU AND UZUMAKI CLAN FAMILY!!!. BUT YOUR PUNISHMENT ISN'T FOR ME TO DECIDE. IT'S NARUTO'S DECISION!!!. PRAY TO KAMI THAT HE BE MERCIFUL TO YOU ALL!!!." Hiruzen then said." Well You All heard what she's just said. The first Hokage's law has been invoked!!!. You have until his next birthday to make amends with naruto uzumaki namikaze and treat him The way you would any other person!!!. That is all for now. Your All dismissed!!!." The crowd then left thinking about what to do now that they know who naruto really is and that ALL of them were on the chopping block. Because now that a senju clan member. No make that THE LAST SENJU CLAN MEMBER AND NARUTO'S GRANDMOTHER TSUNADE SENJU!!!. Has invoked The first Hokage's law about abusing a clan heir. They knew he could either have them killed.imprisoned for life. Or worse request that the daimio cut funding for their businesses!!!.the village was now in a state of panic and just did The only thing they could at this point.and that was praying for their lives to be spared.

Meanwhile up in the heavens Kami had just fallen flat on her back laughing so hard she felt like she was going to die and then come back as naruto's mother as she continues laughing and said." I can't believe what I'm hearing all those insects begging me to do for them. ha.ha.ha. OH please Kami-sama let naruto Sama forgive us.dear Kami Sama please spare me and my family. I beg of you Kami Sama. Find it in your heart to have naruto Sama forgive us. We're sorry for for harming your son lady Kushina Lord fourth. Please forgive us." Kami then turned to shinigami and asked." Did you plan All of this happening and made sure you gave him The power to protect himself???. Did you know that All this was going to be one of many end results???." Shinigami just chuckled and nodding his head said." Indeed I did. So while sealing the kyuubi inside of him I gave him a small portion of my power and yours as well." Kami just started laughing again and said." WOW. You practically turned him INTO a god shinigami. I'm impressed and fully approve of this decision." Shinigami then bowed and said." As I knew you would. Thank you Kami-sama. Shall we grant these insects their prayers???. Or shall we let our champion decide their fate???." And Kami said." This is an affair of mortals not immortals. Shinigami. And you know our laws. That gods don't interfere with the affairs of humans unless necessary. So no. For now we'll let naruto take care of it as we simply sit back and watch the show."

naruto:wielder of the shinigami's eye.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora